<p>Is there any way around the maximum number of units (for L&S, which is 20.5, I think), like a petition or something? I've been looking at the L&S and the OR websites, but I can't find anything.</p>
<p>Yeah, you can petition the College of L&S to take more than 20.5 units. They might not let you do it in your first semester freshman year but if your GPA is high, they will almost always grant your request.</p>
<p>is high like 3.5 + or 2.0+</p>
<p>For the sake of this discussion 3.5/4.0 is high.</p>
<p>There’s a maximum? o_O (I’m taking 22 and didn’t have to petition… freshman in L and S here.</p>
<p>Interesting. L&S policy as shown here is that you cannot take more than 20.5 per semester without explicit approval. [College</a> Policies-Unit Guidelines](<a href=“http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/collegepolicies/unit.html]College”>http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/collegepolicies/unit.html)</p>
<p>Also Telebears is supposed to enforce the limit to 20.5. This is the main reason that students can’t waitlist a number of courses waiting for one to open up, as they are limited by the system to the max of 20.5 [Courseload</a> Regulations - Office Of The Registrar](<a href=“http://registrar.berkeley.edu/Default.aspx?PageID=courseloadregs.html]Courseload”>http://registrar.berkeley.edu/Default.aspx?PageID=courseloadregs.html)</p>
<p>How the heck did you enroll in 22? Did you use some workaround like drop-add after the adjustment period ended?</p>
<p>I just added them in telebears like normal…if it makes any difference, the last 4 units I added were two variable unit (1-4) classes that I entered 2 units each for…</p>
This is exactly what I did-- two variable unit classes for two units each. I managed to enroll over the max a couple days ago. I guess it works.</p>
<p>@iVinshe: Were all of your units accounted for last semester (as in did the extra 1.5 count)?</p>
<p>I had 22 units registered for a long time. Telebears is a dumb program. It accepts whatever you want, even classes at the same time, so long as you type in the right numbers.</p>
<p>What probably happens if that if you don’t have approval, you CAN (but not necessarily WILL) be dropped when they run the registration check/add/drop deadline.</p>
<p>Just petition. Even 22 units is not a lot. I know someone (EECS & Econ) who took 29 units last semester.</p>
<p>As someone taking 14 units and feeling far more overwhelmed than any 20 unit semester ever made me feel, I’d like to qualify that:</p>
<p>22 units isn’t necessarily a lot.</p>
<p>^ what he said</p>