possibility of transferring to GWU with GPA 3.056


I’m currently attending a community college with a pretty low GPA 3.056 in psychology major. I will be applying to transfer for Spring 2018. I have some volunteer hours in the community, also I’m doing a internship related to my major which is about 3 credit hour, 13 hours per week for 16 weeks.
I will have 55 credits and my associate degree at the end of the semester.
I haven’t finished my PS and applications yet.
I wonder if there is a possibility to get into GWU, if so how am I suppose to polish my PS?
Please give me some advices!
I appreciate it!

I think that you can find a decent university to transfer to with a 3.056. I would be very surprised if GWU is possible with that GPA. I think that you need to look at universities with an admissions rate well over 50%.

Do you know what an average GPA would be for transfers?

@sassygogo Usually 3.5-3.7. This is what most of the students in my transfer development course had.

“Do you know what an average GPA would be for transfers?”
“Usually 3.5-3.7.”

Is that for GWU, or for transfers out to any university? I would expect the latter.

Definitely only for GW and not just any university.

I think your odds are low for GWU.

@DadTwoGirls I meant George Washington? I don’t understand what you mean by any university…can you elaborate? The average transfer g.p.a for George Washington, U.Va and Georgetown is clearly higher than Virginia Tech, Radford and Old Dominion. When you say “I would expect the latter” do you mean to say that you would expect the average transfer g.p.a at any university in the country to be 3.5-3.7? If so that is clearly not true.

@DadTwoGirls And I don’t mean to bash those universities btw. I am just reinforcing a distinction between certain kinds of universities as there is a stark contrast between the overall types of students who apply. When you said the “latter” did you mean to refer to George Washington. The latter means the second of the two listed. Students who typically apply to George Washington, IMO, tend to be internship driven students and are fairly smart and have relatively high grades.