Postpone Chances

Hi guys I was postponed for the first round of decisions (I applied to CALS for Political Science) and I’m just trying to get a background of my chances of eventual admission as well as when I could hear back. Any information you have would really help.Ill be sending in my semester grades with a letter talking about how I would attend if accepted and then listing my new achievements (President of our football leadership team again, All-Conference academic for 4th year, High Honor Roll at my school, employee of the month in December at my job) and my semester grades are good, I am looking at sending right around a 4.12 W and a 3.78 UW in a senior schedule that includes AP Bio and AP Calc AB along with two English classes and another science class that is a Project Lead the Way from MSOE. Again, any help on my chances of eventual admission or when I could expect to hear back as well as anything I can do to improve my chances would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

My stats are:
3.55 UW
3.75 W
26 ACT composite in one sitting ( Highest individual category scores: E: 28, R: 29, M:26, S:26, Writing: All 12s making it a 36)
6 AP classes (2 this year)
Listed 18 extracurricular activities including NHS, DECA, 3 sports (2 of which I am a captain) and my school’s Athlete leadership team which I am the president of as well as an inner city community volunteer, I sit on my church council as the youth representative, I am a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) role model for 4 years and I am a volunteer middle school basketball coach.
I have had two jobs that I listed
I sent in 4 letters of rec (My pastor who has a Doctorate in Theology, a police captain in my town, two teachers both who coached me)
My essays were good, I had them edited by published author and woman who reviews grant scholarships

Hook: My grades dropped substantially last year making the GPA what it is now due to missing a lot of school because of a significant family crisis as I had a 4.1 W and 3.8 UW entering junior year. And, I’ll be sending another letter of rec from a close family friend who can attest to my fully recovery from the crisis.

Your ACT score is slightly on the lower side (still not low though) but your ECs look great! You have a good shot. Lots of people get postponed but still get in!

Is there time to retake the ACT in February to improve?

I did register for it but I am worried I’ll hear back before the scores are ready

btw- you applied to the university as a whole. Your intended school/college/major do not matter for acceptance to UW. Political Science is in L&S (Letters and Science). CALS refers to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Once postponed your application goes with the rest of the applications received by the deadline and end March (?) notification.

Okay, so I have a better idea of what I am sending UW. one of my classes (AP Bio) went down a grade by .09% so I’ll be sending a UW 3.72 and a W 4.05 with about 8 new honors/extracurriculars that include NHS involvement, High-Honor Roll and another Honor Society that I was invited it to. I have been doing ACT prep for the Feb. testing date and am hoping to improve on my score. Basically, I’m just wondering if that GPA along with everything else I listed in my first post gives me a decent, good, great or bad chance and being accepted after being postponed. I am also in-state if that helps? Any feedback anyone can give is really appreciated.

@wis2016 Yes, in-state vs OOS makes a tremendous difference, OOS admission is more competitive. I’m not sure what your exact chances will be though. Your EC seem impressive, but you should know that both your GPA and ACT are below the range that UW describes as being their “typical admitted freshman.”

EDIT: I’m basing this on the statement in your first post that your unweighted GPA is (was) 3.55. Your last post claims it is now 3.72, but there is something messed up here, it is mathematically impossible for someone to close the gap between their previous unweighted GPA and 4.0 by a full 1/3 of the difference in their 7th semester, even if they get a 4.0 that semester.

I just saw this, what I meant by that was that my initial transcripts that I sent in October had the UW 3.55 but my first semester grades alone was the 3.72 UW so I’m not sure the effect it had on my cumulative UW of 3.55 since I probably have a fairly fixed GPA at this point , sorry for that confusion. Also, I retook the ACT and had my score jump a lot from a 26 to a 30 so that should improve everything a decent amount right?

Great job improving your ACT score!! Best of luck to you.

Thank you!!

You should be proud of the 30! Congrats on the improvement. How did you do it?

So, March starts tomorrow. Hopefully not much longer of a wait for the postponed applicants! Last year postponed applicants got decisions somewhere between the 20-25th I believe. Also, from looking at past year threads, it appears that if your FAFSA page changes (financial aid year becomes view-able and they are asking for further information), that is a precursor to being accepted. Good luck everyone!

@Madison85 I used the online ACT prep and a few books that people were nice enough to loan me, really happy it improved!
@BrewCrew82 thanks for that info! How do I check that and when could I potentially expect to see that??

Prep Scholar?

Maybe that’s what it is called, I purchased it through the actual ACT website when I registered

@wis2016 you can check your financial aid status by logging into MyUW, then the going into the Student Center. Under Financial Aid, there is a link to “View Financial Aid”. Right now, if your postponed, it probably states “Select Aid Year to View There is no financial aid information found.” From what I have read in previous years threads, assuming you completed and sent your FAFSA, this will only change once you have been accepted (and apparently it changes before the decision is posted). When it changes you will probably be able to select a Year (i.e. 2016-17) and it may ask you to submit additional data. Not sure when you will find out…guessing it will be around the 3rd or 4th weekend of March based on previous years.

Awesome, thank you for that information, I’ll keep an eye on that!!