Postponed Applicants

<p>Yes- she is in that big middle pool of applicants waiting to see what happens after all applications are reviewed after the Feb 1st deadline. Some top students (like my son several years ago) finally get around to their UW application in mid January. Another frequent poster on the UW site has stated around a 50% chance for postponed students getting accepted. Officially? It will depend on the number and caliber of the year’s applicants, as well as how many accepted students choose to go elsewhere.</p>

<p>Somehow I wouldn’t think what you consider “outstanding” EC’s are as unusual as you think- unless she won an Intel competition or the like. I know that plenty of instate HS students take several AP classes and participate in several varied EC’s as well (eg music, sports and academic activities). Top students often are heavily involved in after school activities despite the most rigorous academic load their HS offers. They may play varsity sports and go to the state music competition…</p>

<p>After we send in our midyear grades, when should we hear back? March?</p>

<p>It will be rolling again. Most in March.</p>