
<p>Very sad, as it was D first choice
OOS, 3.5 GPA, SAT CR640 M660, W700, SAT 2 660 USH
lots of leadership and good ECs.
Does anyone know when they will let you know if your status changes from Postponed to accepted or Denied?</p>

<p>I think you have to wait until around March 15th to hear if you got in or not. Lots of students that were postponed last year ended up making it in so don't be too worried.</p>

<p>Check this out for more information:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Would have thought you'd had a rejection, with OOS and 3.5 -- although it depends so much on the high school you're coming from as well. </p>

<p>Public/Private? Where you from?</p>

<p>top public hs in CT
also 3.5 is UW</p>

<p>The Freshman Admissions expectations chart looks like a 55% chance with 3.5 UW and her average SAT score. I don't know if postponed is different from wait-listed, but last year, 800 applicants from the wait-list were offered admittance.</p>

<p>how many students were waitlisted(postponed) last year?</p>

<p>waitlisted and postponed are two different things. Waitlisted is done after the deadline. Postponed means they are still under consideration until March 15th.</p>

<p>Did you get a letter explaining everything?</p>

<p>Is the 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale or a 4.5 scale?</p>


<p>Wow. I'm really surprised that your daughter got postponed with those numbers and worry what it may mean for my own. She applied on line last night and is also from OOS. When did your daughter apply and how long did it take for UW to get back to her?</p>

<p>My daughter's numbers are eerily similar to yours. She has a 3.65 unweighted GPA (4.0+ weighted) and is in the top ten percent of a very highly regarded public high school on the east coast. Her SAT is 1970 (640V 620M 710W) and her ACT is 28. One thing that she does have going for her, though, is 11 AP classes, however (one in her sophomore year, four last year, and six this year), where she's gotten mostly As and only a few Bs. She also has good extracurriculars and strong connections to Wisconsin, which she noted in her essay. Boy will she be sad if she's postponed, but judging from your post it seems a real possibility.</p>

<p>she applied and ad everything there by the 15th of october. The 3.5+ gpa was on a 4.0 scale,does not include gym and other non-academics, and is not weighted for honors or APs. I had hoped that it would be recalculated by wisconsin, but not sure that it was. I am glad that postponed seems to be more favorable. I hope that she just kicks butt this quarter and she will send her first quarter grades and a letter telling the school that it is her top choice!</p>

<p>Wow -- you're saying it only took two weeks for them to process her application? </p>

<p>I know UW's reported GPAs are unweighted and only for academic courses (no gym, etc.) Tell me to go away if I'm being too personal, but how would you say the difficulty of your daughter's course selections compare to her classmates? Does her school limit the number of APs she can take?</p>

<p>Parent2009: When did you submit your application? Are there a lot of kids from your area applying to WI?</p>

<p>It seems WI is getting more popular with the east coast</p>

<p>her course load was difficult, could have been harder. Only 1 Ap last year and 2 this year. There are around 10 AP courses offered. She did take an anatomy and physiology course, which is not honors, but known to be a college level course last year as well.</p>


<p>My daughter applied yesterday. I have no idea if others from the area are applying but I imagine they are. We have a pretty strong connection to Madison -- my wife's from near there and most of her family is still there. So we're probably more familiar with the school than most. </p>


<p>Thanks. Your daughter may not have taken too many APs but the ones she took are pretty tough.</p>

<p>My son applied too. His stats are similar to both of yours. All honors 1 AP last year. 3 this year. GPA would have been much better without all those hard classes. Our school does not give out A's very easily- worried about grade inflation. Too bad ..hurting the kids now. He has a 3.6 but it is on a 4.5 scale. That throws it all out of whack. He got a 30 on ACT which may help and has plenty of leadership and EC's. He will hopefully get postponed and not denied. What a terrible waiting game. I guess he will have to get mostly A's and B+s in the next semester to be sure. So much for enjoying senior year!</p>

<p>Did you get a letter explaining what postponed means and what they are looking for what kind of grades or any hints?</p>

<p>How does a 3.6/4.5 convert on a 4.0 scale? A 3.2 (since 3.6 is 80 percent of a 4.5)? The admissions grid does give a pretty good indication of what the chances are. It suggests that with a 30 on the SAT and an unweighted GPA of 3.1 to 3.3 (based solely on academic courses) your son has a 50% chance of getting in. That's about the same as jilldmd's daughter (55 percent). So I'd bet on a postponement -- not a denial. A 30's a pretty good score even if they do appear to care more about grades, and maybe they'll convert the 3.6 to something higher than a 3.3. If they recalculate to 3.4 he's looking at 70 percent.</p>

<p>I'm betting no worse than a postponement.</p>

<p>What makes me nervous is that on the same grid my daughter's chances come in at 80 percent, but her grades aren't much higher than jilldmd's daughters (3.65 versus 3.5) and her test scores are a little lower (1970 versus 2000). I had assumed that at 80 percent she could rest pretty easy, but now I'm not so sure. Again, she does have 11 AP classes so that ought to help. But who knows.</p>

<p>I believe postponed apps eventually are admitted at around the overall rate or about 50% will eventually get in. Also if you get offered a spot on the waitlist take it.</p>

<p>Wht do you think they are looking for as far as grades? He is taking 5 classes. 3 APs and 2 honors. does he have to pull 3 As and 2 B+'s. They don't give out A's too readily in AP classes but he will have to do what he has to do! I am assuming (hoping) he gets postponed and not denied.</p>

<p>I am surprised they responded so quickly for your daughter (2 weeks) to postpone. I would think they would wait. They must think there are pretty good apps coming in. Don't they know that the best candidates andusually the most motivated submit early. They also usually have WI 1 or 2 on their list of schools. It is 1 or 2 for my son.</p>

<p>Still waiting - child is an in-state applicant (submitted September 1st) with an 85% 'chance' on the guideline/admission chart... with legacy (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles).</p>

<p>she emailed our local Ct admissions counselor form the website to see if she can get any
more details. The website linked to what a postponed application was..the link is in an earlier post here. She will send first quarter grades, which hopefully will be mainl As, and a new guidance letter, statng that our hs was just ranked top public hs in the state! she will also write that she is very interested in attending. Hope that all helps.</p>

<p>yes that helps except I tried that link and it won't open it says it is damaged. I guess I will have to wait and see.</p>

<p>Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Does she some other schools that she would be willing to go to if WI does not work out. I know my son wants to go to WI and isn't thinking about his "other" schools. I guess we "assumed" and you can't do that. I think a lot has to do with more kids applying to state schools because of the economy, but being out of state WI is no bargain!</p>