Postponed... Decisions?

<p>The final review for postponed applicants is expected to begin now, or within the next few days. Has anyone heard a final decision yet?</p>

<p>I applied back in december (2nd notification period) and have not yet received my answer. I’m thinking that the postponed hear back after all 2nd notification period applicants, no?</p>

<p>Perhaps that means I’ll find out tomorrow haha.</p>

<p>or rather, all 2nd notification applicants will have a decision made and then the reviewing starts?</p>

<p>Yes, the review starts as soon as all 2nd notification apps are done. And I was told that this time is coming up within the next few days.</p>

<p>I was told by University of Wisconsin-Madison that I would hear of a decision before or by March 15.</p>

<p>are you a postponed student or a 2nd notification period applicant?</p>

<p>I’m postponed and anxiously waiting!</p>

<p>haha i figured as much!</p>

<p>I was more referring to nihongorox19 because I’m curious to if some of the 2nd notification applicants are going to be put in with the postponed reviews!</p>

<p>Im so excited :)</p>

<p>Haha I tried to cancel that comment after I saw that, but it already got sent through… Oh well.</p>

<p>no worries!</p>

<p>mind sharing your basic stats?</p>

<p>Hello. I’m also postponed. I can’t take the wait too much longer! Got good grades this semester though, so I think I’m in pretty good shape.</p>

<p>I have been postponed since November. This week I revisited two schools which I have been accepted to already. And GUESS WHAT, if I do end up getting into Wisconsin, I may say no thanks. I think Wisconsin is making a huge mistake postponing so many great candidates. I know of several others who were postponed who have already decided to go where they feel they are actually wanted. These are amazing students who had several other great options.</p>

<p>I do agree… I think way too many wonderful students were postponed. Problem is, I love this school WAY too much to say no, that is, if I do get accepted in the end.</p>

<p>I think I’m 2nd notification period but I’m not sure. They have not sent me anything in the mail! I had to contact them to ask about my status, and they said nothing until I specifically asked when I will hear. My stats are okay I guess. I have a 3.5 GPA and a 25 ACT score. I’m involved in band, Japanese club (VP), and a few other clubs. I heard from a Wisconsin grad that they do take a while but they will notify us eventually. lol This school really isn’t an option for me unless they give me lots of scholarship money, which I doubt they will. I already have another school in Ohio that I really like and will probably attend.</p>

<p>UW’s problem is that it has too many good applicants and can’t just do a “first come, first served” acceptance. So many equally good candidates they couldn’t reject- therefore a second review and final decision by the time the many private colleges give their decisions. Better than being completely clueless.</p>

<p>I just do not understand what could take so long! It feels like ages ago that I had all my materials in. They already accepted the other kid at my school who applied (his stats are much higher than mine). And I can’t access my account to check my status. I must have made an account and now I can’t access it because I used a different user name or password than I usually do. That was also frustrating.</p>

<p>Imagine all of the students who get their first clue as a rejection/aceptance on a late March date as is done by many/most private schools. Rolling admissions gives some students an earlier answer. Also imagine having to decide among thousands of candidates with similar credentials- you want them to take their time to evaluate you instead of quickly throwing your application on the reject pile so they don’t have to think about it any more.</p>

<p>Well I think postponing students is a good way to sort out who REALLY wants to go to Wisconsin or not-among other factors.</p>

<p>@peachyone, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats?</p>

<p>two more weeks guys. we can do it :)</p>

<p>I think I’m going a different route… And I couldn’t be happier :slight_smile: i didn’t think it was possible to ever go to a different college, but I recently fell in love with another one. It’s possible that I still go to Madison, but again, they only want me if they “have room” and who wants to go somewhere where they are “kind of wanted?”</p>