Postponed Applicants

<p>I was just postponed on friday and im wondering why
SAT combined-2000
GPA-91.8 UW 95 W almost all AP and Honors classes
Top 10% rank in my High School
I have been on the dance team for 11 years and I have tons of community service that I have participated in.
Can someone chance me for my likeliness of still being admitted and tell me why I might have been deferred.</p>

<p>About 50%…</p>

<p>Many students will be postponed (not the same as deferred). UW has rolling admissions and has told you you are good enough but they need to wait until all of the applications are in by the February 1st deadline to see if there is enough room. There are far too many good applicants to allow all to attend as freshmen and some of the best students won’t apply until the deadline. The promise of an answer for those who applied by November 1st does not mean accept/reject, there is the wait to find out once they get the rest of the applications.</p>

<p>I got postponed too! Don’t think its too bad, but I can’t wait to hear back again. Initially I was shocked but I’ve gotten over it, still want to be a badger!</p>

<p>@aek525 Would you mind posting your stats?</p>

<p>post poned from chicago… does anyone know if this means we for sure wont know til end of march??</p>

OOS Student in strong NJ public school
3.7 UW
3.8 W
6 AP classes + tests
Good amount of honors courses
1990 SAT
1360 out of 1600
1 varsity sport, decent ECs
I was pretty surprised but it’s not like I was rejected, I can still get in during march!</p>

<p>I got in with 27 act and 3.75 unweighted GPA. Live in chicago suburbs and got into chemical engineering. Pretty hard course load throughout high school, top 5% in class. Tons of APs. Sometimes the little things count, just wait. Do you have any more ECs or just dance? If your postponed you probably will hear by around the end of rolling admission once other applicants have applied and can compare you to others. Good luck to all who got postponed, hopeful other schools have accepted you so you dont have to wait too long</p>

<p>Im hearing that a lot of people have been deferred because they are “too smart” for Wisconsin. People are saying that wisconsin doesn’t want to accept kids that have wisconsin as their safety school. Does anyone know if this is true? It’s confusing to me because I also visited which shows interest.
GPA:92 UW/ 96 W
4 AP Classes
Lots of Community Service and member of dance competition team for 12 years.</p>

OOS students are postponed because its more competitive.</p>

<p>postponing because of being “too smart” is ridiculous. schools accept the best applicants so In the next years to come they will have better standards and get into being more of a top school in the nation. if you have the best students all scores incoming and graduation rates will be better. Why would a school care if it’s your safety or how would they know, what If you applied to only one school (“you” as in others)</p>

<p>I’m posting again.
I don’t think that those stats are ‘too smart’ for Madison. They’re obviously not bad but they’re not outrageously high for UW.</p>

<p>I was postponed from the Chicago suburbs a little confused as people I know at my school who had worse scores/GPA’s got in.</p>

<p>-32 ACT
-3.8 UW/ 4.05 Weighted
-only two AP classes this year
-4 year athlete, student council, DECA, founded my own charity basketball tournament
-Illinois State Scholar (top 10% in the state for combined GPA and ACT)</p>

<p>Also got postponed from Illinois College of Business so a little frustrated</p>

<p>how were your essays? did you let others proof read, valid points? maybe applicants for business had very good stats … many reasons. I wish you luck, you have pretty good stats, hopefully you get in!</p>

<p>How do we know if we were postponed? Do you get an email? I still haven’t heard back yet…</p>

<p>No- UW won’t second guess you because they think you’re “too smart”. There are many who will apply to UW with similar stats and they wait to see how many with better stats apply before deciding. An ACT of 35, SAT of 2400, gpa near 4.0 is not too good for UW- that type of applicant gets a quick YES.</p>

<p>There will be accepted students who later choose their more favored school once spring acceptances come out and free up spots.</p>

<p>Is postponed the same as wait listed ?</p>

<p>Postponed is not wait listed. It means the application is rolled over to be considered with other applications as they come in. A final decision can happen any time over the next several months. Good luck, hang in there.</p>

<p>Could it signal a form of deferral?</p>

<p>My D from WA was postponed last night and I’m wondering if anyone has stats re: the percentage of postponed applicants who eventually are accepted? D was crushed, but we told her this was not a rejection, simply a deferral of the decision. Is that correct? UW is her big reach school (she’s a yes at Purdue and waiting for a yes/no at Indiana), so I consider this a victory vs. a devastating defeat. D has low stats/gpa for Wisconsin, but she has ECs that make her stand out from the crowd and we know that helped her get a postponement vs. outright rejection.</p>