Postponed Chances

<p>I recently got postponed from UW</p>

<p>I'm a white In State male</p>

28 ACT
Great Letters of Rec
2 sports, captain
FFA-officer 3 years
Couple other activities
1 AP last year, and 3 this year (all my school offers), pretty much took the hardest schedule school had</p>

<p>However, I must submit my 2nd semester grades. I'm not doing so well in my AP calculus right now (D right now, could get it up to a C maybe. Its just a 2nd quarter grade and my semester grade could turn out to be a C+ or even b- depending on exams. How much will this hurt me? I really want to go to Madison.</p>

<p>Also can I take the ACT again. The next test date is in Feb. Will they receive it in time?</p>

<p>I got into today! </p>

29 ACT
No idea how letter of rec. was, b/c I didn't read it.
A couple AP classes, most notably College in the Schools Spanish so I got ten University of Minnesota credits for those classes.
Hockey captain.
Decent community service.</p>

<p>I don't have a clue on any of your questions. Sorry. I don't understand how they postponed an in-state like your self and accepted an out-state like me. We have fairly comparable stats. If anything, they are dead even. Out of state should need slightly higher than in-state. Either I got lucky getting in since you didn't, or you are getting screwed because I got in.</p>

<p>^^or Wisconsin, like other state schools, realizes that OOS tuition money is needed in this budget crunch....</p>

<p>I think taking the ACT again in February is a good idea. Talk to your school counselor about additional suggestions; perhaps you can email your admissions counselor (see below for link) with an 'update' to your activities resume and a paragraph explaining more about why you can enrich the community at UW-Madison.</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Meet Your Counselor</p>

<p>If they postponed you, it means they want to look at your next set of grades before making a decision. So mediocre grades this quarter are going to hurt you.</p>

<p>so what do you say my chances are?</p>

<p>Your stats were already borderline, so I would not be optimistic if your grades this quarter aren't that great.</p>

<p>can you think of anything i can do to improve my chances?</p>

<p>T Bone, there are no guarantees and no 'hooks' that are going to make the admissions people at Madison change their minds automatically. It seems to me that the only thing that might help is some really hard work. If you haven't taken exams already, use your Christmas break to study like crazy for Calculus and your other classes. Study for the ACT and retake it as soon as you can. Write to your admissions counselor at Madison know what you've done, what you are going to do to improve your standings, and how much you want to go to Madison (and why). Stay positive and focused on your goal.</p>

<p>But you also need a backup plan in case things don't work out. Plan to go to one of you other schools and do the very best you can so that you can transfer to Madison if it comes to that.</p>

<p>Agree with above advice.</p>

<p>Ok I think I will write to my counselor. Should I send an email or actually write a letter?</p>

<p>Also I have another decision to make.</p>

<p>Do you think I should retake the ACT on Feb 7th. I have a 28 right now.</p>


<p>Take a scholarship test at Marquette</p>

<p>Basically it comes down to whether or not my stuff is good enough right now.</p>

<p>What really gets me is that my AP Calculus grade just really hurts because I could have taken no math class at all or taking Pre-calc or Stats. Instead I went for the most challenging to prepare for college and it comes back to hurt me.</p>

<p>Same here T BONE, I'm also taking Calculus this year and have a barely passing grade. I hope I get in...</p>

<p>T-Bone, so the MU scholarship day and the ACT are on the same day? Darn.... What college have you applied to at MU? </p>

<p>I would call or email your admissions counselor at Madison and ask them whether they would take the new ACT score into account when reviewing your application again in the spring. That way you'll know for sure and you can better make a decision. </p>

<p>One thing to consider is that typical Madison students take 4+ years of math, so it is a good thing that you didn't skip the math this year. In addition to studying hard to get that Calc grade up by the end of the semester, you may also want to start working on a killer letter (that your GC can enclose with your 2nd semester grades) explaining your challenges in AP Calc and how you are overcoming them. How is this experience preparing you for the challenge of the tough courses you're going to encounter in college?</p>

<p>Hang in there, T Bone. No matter how this turns out, you are learning some valuable skills (in addition to calculus). Remember, too, that you are already accepted to some fine schools where you can have a great college experience.</p>

<p>Well I'm planning on taking the US History scholarship test. I got a 5 on the AP US History test so I got that going for me.</p>

<p>Well In Calc today our teacher is going to give extra credit that will allow me to raise my grade to a C. Now I could even possibly get it to around a B by quarter if I do well on my next quizzes.</p>

<p>Well I'm just worried about writing to the counselors and sounding like a whiny kid who thinks he should be different than everyone else.</p>

<p>T-Bone, you're a smart kid. I think that you're right that you don't want to be the student who asks to be treated by a different set of rules than everyone else. </p>

<p>However, I still think that it is a good idea to contact your admissions counselor once - as Madison85 suggests above. Compose a very well-written letter or email that lets UW know that they are your first choice school and updating them on any good stuff that may have happened since you first applied (ask a parent or counselor to review it before you send it just to be safe). It can't hurt.</p>

<p>And, of course you know this, study, study, study over the next few weeks - not just in calculus, but in everything so that your semester grades look good. Make certain that your GC sends them in as soon as they are available. </p>

<p>Good luck t-bone. You're going to do great!</p>