
I got postponed from Madison the beginning of January. My Quarter grades were good this first semester.

Quarter One: 4.06
Quarter Two: 4.167

To see my other information on my application go to my other Thread “What are my Chances”.

Do I have a better shot now? I am also going to take the ACT again this Saturday to hopefully bump up my score. Thanks!

Those look like weighted grades. UW uses unweighted grades.


First Quarter: 3.87
Second 4.0


If you want raise your chances of people helping you here, post all of your info. in this thread. Don’t make others hunt around for it – that can come off as you not willing to make the effort.

Considering that I only have 2 threads I thought that it would be pretty simple for others to find it. Guess I was wrong on that part. Here it is:

Currently a Senior that is In-State. My Dad and Uncle attended Madison in the 80’s. My sister is also a Sophomore there right now.

ACT: 24 / Writing: 9 (I know this is low for Madison)
I just took the ACT yesterday and I am for sure I did way better
Current GPA: 3.6

Extra Curricular:

  1. Drama Director – Directed 2 Middle School Performances Last Year
  2. Mathematics Tutor – Have been tutoring Algebra and Geometry Students for the past 3 Years
  3. In 3 Choirs – 1 is at school / 2 others are before and after school hours (Help teach the choirs)
  4. Piano Player
  5. Vice President of DECA and Entrepreneurship In-School Business (Hold meetings with VPs from US Bank and PNC Bank weekly)
  6. Musicals and Plays – Been in a total of 6 performances now
  7. JV Golf – Freshman and Sophomore Year
  8. Altar Server at Church – 4 Years
  9. Lector at Church – 2 Years
  10. Sunday School Teacher – 3 Years
  11. Equestrian Riding – Train Horses, Give Lessons, Perform Competitive Barrel Racing (Do this weekly)


  1. Outstanding Musical Award
  2. Top 40 Students in the District – Staff voted for students who have the best work ethic, volunteer work, leadership, and ability to help train new staff at the high schools

Work Experience:

  1. Target – August 2013 - August 2014 (Sales Floor, Cashier, Guest Service)
  2. Our Space Inc. – (Non Profit Organization that helps Mentally Ill Patients) I perform Financial Statements and help patients daily (working at our store, etc.)

I have over 300 community service hours as well. Letters of Rec and Essays were great too!

My unweighted and weighted GPAs this year are also listed above! Feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you!

Hopefully you will raise your ACT as you state. Otherwise, that is in the lowest 25% of applicants right now. That means you have a chance, but it is not high. Alum family may give a slight boost, but it cannot cover for deficiencies – hence the postpone.

I think you missed the point: if you ask others to help you, you shouldn’t expect them to do extra work for you.

Have you considered attending another UW campus, getting high grades, then transferring into Madison if you aren’t accepted? That may work. Also can’t tell if your grades are weighted or not.

Best of luck~

I got accepted into Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. Madison is overall way better and is where I would love to be. If I don’t get in I think it is best that I go to UW-Waukesha my freshman year, save money and then transfer to Madison. Thanks!

Now you’re talking. You are correct with your last post. Good luck!

Most important is to do well in your studies.
