Postponed Decision

<p>aka...deferral. Is there anything my D can do to strengthen her position for admittance? She has already self reported her 1st semester grades and is thinking about writing a letter, but isn't sure what to write about. Any advice would be appreciated. I would like this to one of her options come April.</p>

<p>Grades are #1. Letters do not hurt either and if she did not send recs get some. Many do get in off this.</p>

<p>She already has had rec letters sent in for her. Any suggestions on content of her letter. Her 1st semester grades were fabulous, except for her one and only C ever in h.s. I hope that doesn’t hurt her. If it does, I blame it all on her bad math teacher. A student who gets all A’s in senior year and one C is a reflection on bad teaching, not bad student’ing.</p>

<p>Not necessarily bad teaching. Some students don’t do the work as a senior, sigh, especially if they dislike the teacher’s teaching. Son is an example (Honors UW grad by now).</p>

<p>My D definitely has senioritis, but not in regard to academics. She earned all A’s first semester with one glaring C. I fault the teacher partially, if not wholly. She has definitely checked out of h.s and prefers to be at work and hang with her work friends than her h.s. friends. I guess I was the same back then since I graduated h.s. early. I guess we all transition out of h.s. into the next phase of life in our own way. Anyway…I will leave her appeal up to her. She claims that UW is not top of her list.</p>

<p>Has she visited Madison? It is an amazing campus and city. It is not “mid-western” if that’s what she is afraid of. I know your in the PNW and I would say Madison is very similar on a much smaller scale to Seattle (minus Rainier and Ocean, plus much more snow!). Has she seen State Street & Capitol Square? orThe Union, the ROSE BOWL???</p>

<p>But if her heart is elsewhere then it doesn’t make sense to push it. I don’t think you can appeal a postponed decision but she can still write a letter …I would tell her to keep as many options open as she can!</p>

<p>PS I can relate to the teacher problem, we have the same issue with a chem teacher.</p>

<p>^disorbust. She has never been to Madison, but I have and have nice memories of it from way back when. This was a school that she applied to because I said I could “see her there”. I am originally from the Midwest so she has some understanding about that part of the country. Ironically when I showed my S the brochure from Madison he said that the campus looks a lot like the UW in Seattle. In another month my D and I will be having discussions about a whole new set of schools on the two coasts, but in the meantime, I can still “see her there” even if in a heavy down coat :)</p>

<p>I taught my children that winners win losers complain. There are many smart students entering UW with high grades and board scores. Look at the freshman class grades, your daughter will be taking classes that are very large(some over 300) and the grade distribution in many classes show that there are lots of low grades. Some professors are bad and many TAs are worse. I am sure that your D will get straight A’s and will be able to contact the professors anytime. Good luck</p>

<p>Postponed means just that, postponed, so that can be assessed in light of the rest of the admissions pool. There is no decision to appeal. As a postponed student, she could write her admissions rep explaining why UW is still a top choice for her, being as specific as possible in terms of programs etc, and explaining the C (unless the explanation for the C is to say it was the teacher, not her – even if true, not likely to sound like someone with a strategy to address the situation).</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound like her heart is in it, and would be hard to write a genuine letter without having been to campus and getting excited about it. </p>

<p>As a parent, much as we have our own vision and expectations for our seniors, sometimes we just have to let them go. A year ago, when my son was a senior, that was advice I could neither hear nor follow. I hung onto my picture of him at an idyllic Midwest LAC vision for a long time, but his vision was work hard/play hard at big state U. </p>

<p>Good luck to your daughter.</p>

<p>Once you are deferred, how long before you hear anything back from them again?</p>