Postponed today

<p>Hey i was wondering for all those postponed on the extracurricular section are you writing it in on those boxes and then underneath on why Item #1 is the most important...also what percent of people postponed do you think actually fill out the supplement? How long are all you spending on the supplements? Thanks</p>

<p>hey i am new to this board but i was wondering what you are all doing for the extra-curricular part...are you going to type up your responses or just write it in on the sheet? I was also wondering what perecent of people you think actually send in the extra stuff? When do you all plan on sending in your extra stuff?</p>

<p>I just wrote the EC comment on the application, they didn't want a detailed explanation on one EC. I'm guessing nearly everyone is doing the supplement. Make sure you send in the teacher rec(s), if you didn't already. That is big to UW, something I didn't know until I got postponed whereas people with lower stats than me who sent in recs got in.</p>

<p>i don't know if nearly everyone is doing the supp. The thing is people who have gotten in somewhere else and know that they will choose that over wisc might not bother doing it. I would say at the very least 10-15% of the people fall in that catagory. Atleast another 10% aren't serious on going. I would say about 20-25% of people aren't going to fill out the app. but i don't know much...</p>

<p>id agree with u cheap, i really hope not that many fill it out to increase my chances lol</p>

<p>mailed mine in today, essays were a little over 400 words on one, and over 100 on the extracurricular. I dunno if thats bad but im sure they won't mind too much. Am I early/late in sending in the supplement? My grades get sent this week I think and so i figured id send the supplement in a little before the grades.</p>

<p>i dont know, i mailed mine in a little over a week ago, i hope we are early... but i have no idea</p>

<p>i just got it like on wednesday so i don't know</p>

<p>hello, </p>

<p>Can someone please post ( or email me at <a href=""></a> ) the essays that UW-Madison is requiring for this postponed application? I'm in a bit of trouble and could really use some help here. Thanks in advance. </p>
