Potential Binghamton University transfer with some questions


I am currently a freshman in my first semester of college at Northeastern. Last fall, I was between Northeastern and Binghamton. Unfortunately, I think I made the wrong choice.

I quickly found out the big city life is definitely not for me. Also, I am now 6 hours from everyone I love and care about with no mode of transportation that can get me home besides someone coming 6 hours to come get me. This school has not been what I imagined so far, and I really have been miserable. It has gotten to the point where I have been struggling to eat.

I have a few friends that go to Binghamton, and I’ve spent a few weekends there. I’ve loved everything about that school that I’ve seen so far. I think I would enjoy my college experience much more, and be much less anxious knowing I can go home for a weekend if I needed to. Finally, I would be saving a lot of money.

I live in upstate NY, about 45 minutes from Binghamton, and would really like to transfer. I know that you cannot transfer into an engineering major in the spring, but I really don’t know if I can last a whole year here. Is there any way I can transfer to Binghamton in the spring, and then transfer into an engineering major in the fall?

Here’s my current classes that I’m taking:
GE1501 Cornerstone of Engineering 1
GE1000 Introduction to the Study of Engineering
MATH 1341 Calculus 1 for Science and Engineering
ENGW 1111 First-Year Writing
CHEM 1151 General Chem for Engineers
CHEM 1153 Recitation for CHEM 1151

I have an AP credit with a 3 in US History.

I have college credit for the following PLTW courses:
Introduction to Engineering Design
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Engineering Design and Development
Principles of Engineering
Digital Electronics

I also have transfer credits from SUNY Delhi in the following classes (took in HS):
ENGL 100 Freshman Composition
LITR 100 Literature
SCIE 170 Intro. to Research I
SCIE 180 Intro. to Research II

Lastly, I have the following transfer credits from Broome Community College (took in HS):
PED 119 Fitness and Wellness

Here’s my high school stats:
1470 SAT
35 ACT
2nd in class of 68
98% GPA

Thank you for your time and help!

When you apply to the Binghamton program, make sure you apply to engineering aka the Watson school. If they offer you admission to harpur, do not take unless you want liberal arts. It sounds like Binghamton might be a better fit for you especially if you have friends there already.

However, just to be safe I would apply to other schools with engineering programs like ub or rit as a backup. Also, I would talk to a counselor at northeastern if that is offered.

My nephew was in a similar boat, but 15 years ago, with similar start in terms of the SAT score and average in high school. He started out at University of Maryland as an engineering major, and hated it-transferred after the first semester to Watson’s at Binghamton. He did not have an issue getting into Watson and I don’t expect you to have an issue either-your credentials seem outstanding.