<p>I've used PR and Kaplan--I think PR is actually more difficult than SAT math (believe it or not), and Kaplan seemed to be easier. This is what I gathered after testing on both practice tests consistently. Sometimes PR seems to test things that I've never seen on the SAT.</p>
<p>I found PR 11 to be great practice, though.</p>
<p>Missing 3 is usually lowish 700s, missing 2 should be middle to high, and missing one should be high. I missed 5 raw points (like missing 4) and got a 720, and missed 1 for a 780.</p>
<p>I'm doing Barron's Math Workbook and I'm missing like 12 for a full math practice test. I plan to do the math tests from the BlueBook, the online course, and maybe PR 11...if I'm not tired by then. </p>
<p>Can I expect to get into the 700s with mucho practice? I hope so</p>