Pre-marital sex...Yes or No?

<p>For it or against it?</p>

<p>For it; you only live once… we’re all going to die someday and nothing is going to make a difference so i doubt pre-marital sex is a big deal.</p>

<p>against it.</p>

<p>so powerbomb, u will not have sex before u marry?</p>

<p>By all means, go ahead.</p>

<p>[Even</a> Grandma had premarital sex, survey finds - Sexual health-](<a href=“]Even”></p>

<p>NEW YORK - More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. The high rates extend even to women born in the 1940s, challenging perceptions that people were more chaste in the past.</p>

<p>Only in cultures where people can be easily forced into marriage between 16 and 21 is that feasible.</p>

<p>I think premarital sex is important, myself. A lot of people in rural, conservative cultures get married just so they can have sex (I’ve known many), and then get divorced when that thrill is gone and they realize they are in a loveless marriage (divorce rates are 50% higher in the Southern Bible Belt states than in the Northeast). </p>

<p>Going through that period of tasting life’s low hanging physical fruits allows one the peace of mind and time to explore the deeper wisdom of life and eventually marry (if at all) for the right reasons - spiritual, emotional, intellectual.</p>



<p>Source ?</p>

<p>Sex has been around for a much longer time than marriage.</p>

<p>Plus, Adam and Eve never got married…</p>

<p>Not against it, nor for it…doesn’t bother me.</p>

<p>Definitely for it. </p>

<p>I was raised in a REALLY conservative Muslim household where I wasn’t allowed to date or do anything like that (still managed to have 2 boyfriends :D) and honestly, my parents religious reasoning as to why I couldn’t date or go to parties (where the evil sin of hooking up and drinking was prevalent) was illogical. They got married so they could have sex and they don’t even interact now (would never divorce because it’s frowned upon). My grandparents absolutely despise each other and live separately (still married! because divorce = Satan) but had an arranged marriage at 20 so they could have sex and produce little religious babies…
Women are most fertile in their late teens, men most fertile in late teens/early twenties, and we’re also horniest at this age - biologically, we’re expected to do the dirty and have sex now…so why is it wrong? I respect everyone’s opinions, but I have yet to hear 1 reasonable, logical argument as to why pre-marital sex is wrong, other than God told us not to.</p>

divorce rates are 50% higher in the Southern Bible Belt states than in the Northeast




<p>[Bible</a> Belt Leads U.S. In Divorces](<a href=“]Bible”></p>

<p>[</a> / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / Walking the walk on family values](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>If you’re into it, go for it, if you’re not, then that’s cool, too.</p>

<p>I’ve personally engaged in pre-marital sex already and I don’t wanna turn back now ;)</p>


<p>Though that whole getting used thing isn’t fun.</p>

<p>I waited until I was married, because of the religious beliefs I was brought up to follow.</p>

<p>But nearly twenty years into an unhappy marriage, I can say that it is an egregious mistake for anyone to ignore the sexual aspects of a relationship until after the wedding.</p>

<p>Certainly, precautions MUST be taken lest a pregnancy occur which WOULD derail any plans for the future (career, lifestyle), but telling young people that they should wait for sex until after marriage to have sex is the worst kind of brainwashing. The time to discover ALL elements of compatibility is before marriage and before children are created. Religious types want to live in an unrealistic bubble where everyone is perfectly happy with whatever life hands them. But the reality of life is that we do have needs and the person we choose to share a life with should share the same sexual needs and desires. Waiting until after marriage to discover if that other person is compatible is wrong.</p>

<p>Life is short. Parents should be teaching their children about the realities of life instead of merely hoping for some kind of Utopian version of the world. From career choice to marriage, most cultures do not do an adequate enough job of preparing the new generations for life outside the bubble of the “dream.”</p>

<p>I agree with the above poster. You wouldn’t buy a car withuot a test drive, so…</p>

<p>lol…^ that analogy is not applicable. You buy a car to drive it, so you testdrive. But you don’t wed to have sex, so you don’t need to have pre-marital sex before marrying.</p>

<p>Somebody earlier noted how abstinence before marriage can lead to divorce. Conversely, pre-marital sex can lead to forced/unwanted marriage, let alone pregnancy due to “emotional attachment” or a sense of responsibility that comes with sharing a body with another.</p>


Those who have pre-marital sex don’t wed to have sex. See, they’re fine with having sex before, after, or during marriage, and so they’re more likely to marry for love only. </p>

<p>However, a lot of religious Christians, Jews, and Muslims marry because they want to have sex. Hey, religious people can be horny too ya know. So they’re more likely to marry young so they can finally do it.</p>

<p>I do agree with you that you don’t need to have sex before you marry.</p>

<p>Not really against pre-marital sex, but against casual sex. I guess I am pro with certain limitations that many seem to not have. By casual I mean you barely met a person and already getting it on. I do not think you need to be married, but I am also against just easily having sex with anyone because you are merely turned on.</p>