<p>I have heard conflicting inputs on taking a course after AP credit. If someone had 5 on AP chemistry and they later take Chem 6A with grade of say A-, how does it show up on the transcript? Would the course and grades show up on transcript and units wont be given? Would the A- be included into UCSD GPA? Would A- be included for medical school admission grade (thru AAMC)? How does it work, since online searches for UCSD only say that credit wont be given. Similar issue can apply to Math and Physics. I am sure many pre-meds have been thru this road before. Comments are requested from those who have faced or dealt with it.</p>
<p>does ne1 have a link to how UCSD awards credit based on AP scores?</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure that the course would show up on your transcript, but the A- won't. Units will definitely not be given. </p>
<p>I do know for sure that the A- will not be included for the medical school admission grade. </p>
<p>The best person to talk to about this is your adviser, or someone at the career center on campus.</p>
<p>As I understand it, med schools expect to see an applicant as having taken two years Chem (e.g. 6 A,B,C and a lab; and 140A, B, C, and 143C), 1 year Bio and lab, 1 year Physics and labs) at college. Getting an A- in 6A will be factored into your overall med school GPA and into your med school science GPA (as 3.7). </p>
<p>On your official UCSD transcript, your AP credits are simply listed as a lump number of transfer credits, (e.g. AP credit: 56 units) with no indication of what AP score you earned. You can break down the lump number on the primary med school application (e.g. AP Bio 8 units, AP Chem 8 units, etc), but other than looking pretty on the primary application, med schools will still expect you to take the basic sequences for grades, especially in Chem and Physics. Bio is different. UCSD may give you credit for Bio 1 and 2 for say an AP score of 5. Youd still however have to take a year of upper division graded Bio courses with lab to fulfill the 1 year Bio requirement. This isnt a problem if youre a Bio major, but could be more problematic if say youre a History major.</p>
<p>Also note that on Triton link, UCSD will break down your AP credits, but whats on Triton link is not how APs are listed on your official UCSD transcript.</p>
<p>Good luck</p>
<p>can ne1 give a link to the AP score/credits breakdown?</p>
<p>and does UCSD force u to take upper division if u get a 4,5?</p>
<p>For future reference, open Google and search for "AP credit + UCSD." It was the first link. Not that hard.</p>
<p>The first link is from UCSDs current 2007/2008 catalog. The second link is from UCSDs career services. Read the section on AP Credits. </p>
<p>Does UCSD force u to take upper division if u get a 4,5? If you want to be a History major and enter the workforce, apply all the AP credit you can get and get your degree. However, as noted in the second link, if your goal is med school (Id also guess dental school), then the med schools will ignore your Chem, Physics AP scores and require you to have completed basic sequences. As I said above, maybe Bio is okay with understanding that youll take more courses at the upper division. </p>
<p>jugulator, when u say that med schools will ignore ur AP credits, does that mean UCSD can't force u to take the upper division courses, especially Bio?</p>
<p>I thought I answered your question, but apparently Im not articulating my answer clearly. I apologize. </p>
<p>If you want a degree, the only thing UCSD is forcing you to do is complete their degree requirements either by AP credit, transfer credit, or taking the required courses at UCSD. If youre plan is to get your degree and go work, again Id use your AP credit to the max toward the degree requirements, including Chem, Physics, Bio, whatever. </p>
<p>If theres any forcing you going on, its the med schools that are forcing you to take Chem (2 years with lab) and Physics (1 year with lab) for a grade at the college level. AP credit is irrelevant.</p>
<p>As to AP Bio, med schools (not UCSD) will require you to take a year of Bio at the college level. UCSD will give you credit for AP Bio in accordance with their policies as stated in the first link above. However, quoting from the second link above If you have AP credit (for Bio), plan to take a minimum of three upper division biology courses. </p>
<p>Is UCSD forcing you, no, med schools are.</p>
<p>so if i'm understanding correctly, med schools want u to take all classes in college, no skipping</p>
<p>but if i get like a 5 on the AP bio test, can i still take the intro classes?</p>
<p>you wont get any credit for taking intro classes.</p>
<p>why not? wouldn't i get credit since i'm completing my pre-med reqs?</p>
<p>I already started a thread like this bc I'm in the same seat as you.</p>
<p>Long story short...UCSD (and some other UCs) is a biatch when it comes to AP credits. If you got AP credit, they'll force you to use them no matter what. So...you're forced to skip the intro classes, and basicaly theres nothing you can do about it. No "appeals" nothing....you gotta take it in the mouth.</p>
<p>I know why you want to retake some classes. For example, Pre-meds want to retake say bio to practice for MCAT, but rinky dink UCSD has to screw it up for us.</p>
<p>And to answer your question...you already have credit for the intro bio courses (AP CREDIT), therefore you wont get more credits. </p>
<p>Just think of it this way, when you got a 5 in Bio on that score report in June, you basically got the credits in-advance for intro biology at ucsd. Therefore, UCSD won't let you retake the class and get more credits for intro bio since you were already awarded the credits. This should make sense.</p>
<p>and if someone retakes intro bio or any other intro class, then that also won't fulfill premed reqs?</p>
<p>^ (10 chars)</p>
<p>so withholding scores or not reporting them is useless? the college will still end up seeing them?</p>
<p>I've talked to a guidance counselor about this issue. What they told me is this:</p>
<p>You can, depending on the class, re-take it, but you won't recieve credits toward graduation and the class won't be factored into your GPA. The grade will go on your transcript though. I'd assume medical schools will re-calculate your GPA based on their standards (the science GPA). I'd check all of this for myself since the administration rarely speaks straight (talk to guidance counselors, administration, med school admissions officers,etc)</p>
<p>About AP credit:</p>
<p>When you apply to UCSD you put down the scores of AP tests you've taken and AP tests you are going to take on your application. They are going to demand that you send them all these AP scores. You can't withold them because UCSD already knows about these scores from your application.</p>
<p>so technically the only way of taking the intro courses for credit/GPA/premed is to just not take the AP tests?</p>
<p>It depends on your situation, but in general that would be a terrible idea unless you were very good at planning. I'm assuming you want to be a premed:</p>
<p>*Note: This is my interpretation of UCSD policies. Do not take my word for it, do your own research.
General Catalogue:
UCSD</a> General Catalog 2006-2007</p>
<p>To take BILD 1 (Basic Bio) you need to have taken Chem 6A/be enrolled in 6B concurrently at the very least. However, if you have a 5 on AP chem you are exempt from the whole 6 series so you can take BILD 1 straight away.</p>
<p>To take Physics 1A or 2A (algebra based physics or calculus based physics) you need to have taken Math 10A/20A (diff calc) and be enrolled in Math 10B/20B (integral calc). With AP calculus credits (3 or above), you could enroll in phys 1A or2A right away. *If you're in 20B too btw or exempt.</p>
<p>To take Chem 6a/6ah (lower div chem series) you need Math 10A/20A (diff calc) taken concurrently at the very least. Btw you can take 6AH-6AC for credit even if you've taken AP chem.</p>
<p>To take Math 10A/20A straight away you need to do well on the placement test/have a 650 or above on SAT2 Math, etc.</p>
<p>My point is, if you come in with 0 AP credits you'd be screwed because your first quarter all you would be able to take your first quarter in terms of premed requirements would be Math 10A/20A. Taking some of them no credit is better than having to overlap some of these classes. You need to take the Calc AP test (and do well of course) at the very least to get into some of these courses. Chemistry is imo needed as well (for bio) and you have the option of taking the 6H series (but, its much tougher).</p>
<p>I don't think you or anyone else should try and plan ahead for this because there's too great of a risk of it backfiring if you don't go to UCSD, you already applied and said you were going to take certain AP tests, you decide you don't want to be a doctor later on, etc,etc</p>