hey guys! So…I was wondering if current pre-med students at Gtown or anybody that knows anything about the program can answer some questions…I would really appreciate it!
Is the pre-med program really rigorous?
Wat’s the average science GPA of Gtown premed students?
do u think its hard to get at least a 3.6 science gpa and overall gpa at Gtown?
is there time to get involved in activities?
Thats it! Thanks again!
I have a friend that’s pre-med at GTown, and she says it’s quite rigorous but that she still has time to get involved in activities. She transferred from the College to the NHS after a year. The sense of community in the NHS is really strong from what I hear, and they have some unique majors. If you’re in the College you can also minor in Science, Technology, and International Affairs in the SFS! Some pre-meds also do the Biology of Global Health major in the College. I used to be a prospective pre-med, so I did a lot of research on this before changing career paths. I’m not a GTown student though, so I would definitely listen to other perspectives, too. @chihuahua1