pre-med first year: which science to start with

<p>Hi. Im about to go to ucsd next year for pre-medicine. I took AP Bio and AP Physics B this year, and I am wondering whether it is recommended to start out with biology next year first, chemistry, or physics first. I find physics a little bit more difficult than the others though. I find bio the easiest of the three. </p>

<p>Give the pros and cons of starting any of these sciences during your first year as pre-med. </p>

<p>BILD 1,2,3
Chem 6A, 6B, 6C
Physics 1A, 1B, 1C</p>

<p>most people take chem during the first year(so you can take ochem your second year) and physics in the second and take bild in between whenever they can... but theres nothing really that stops you from taking one over the other</p>