Pre-med program pros & cons

<p>Deciding between Geneseo and a private school. Enrollment is about the same, but so many differences otherwise. I know Geneseo has a great biology program, but the other school as a separate pre-med advisor, a pre-med society, hospitals and clinics nearby to do clinical work etc. The other school is near a city, Geneseo is rural. I think I could be happy at both though. Can anyone applying or currently in pre-med provide some feedback on the program at Geneseo. Does it seem like it's just straight biology? What do you like and what don't you like? How are the biology and chemistry professors? How are the med school acceptance rates etc? Thanks.</p>

<p>I met with an admissions counselor and she said that admissions into med schools are at around 66% now. :)</p>

<p>Geneseo is an excellent school–go to whatever school you think you will enjoy the most. If you are happy at school you are more likely to do well! Do well, get high MCAT scores and have a diverse background–Medical Schools get lots of biology, chemistry, biochem applicants, consider a different undergraduate major (engineering, physics even a non science–just be sure you meet all medical school prereqs)-something that separates you from the rest. Wife is MD, and obviously we know lots of MDs–there are so many ways to make medical school a reality.</p>

<p>I graduated SUNY Geneseo in 1994 and received my MD in 1999. Geneseo is an excellent school. However, Geneseo is NOT and IVY league or top ranked and well know College. This being said the end result about medical school is that admission is very very difficult. Typically you need to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, MCAT scores of 27+, and be a well rounded person overall. If I had to “do” my undergrad years over again I would definitely pick SUNY Geneseo! I am glad that I did not go to Cornell. If you really want to be a doctor you need to work your very long productive hours in college, studying for the MCAT’s, and be well rounded. Physician in Amercian and around the world typically make more money than any other standard profession and this makes becoming a physican very difficult. One last final comment. I had all the criteria to get into a US medical school but ended on going to the Caribbean for my medical degree because the competition was so fierce. No worries because now I make well over twice the average income of my fellow physician. Good luck and work hard.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your input. I definitely know how hard it is to get into med school. I know Geneseo is an excellent school and I would get a solid education. What seems to be missing are the opportunities for clinical experience which is repeatedly mentioned as needed. There isn’t even a pre-med society or club. Some of the other schools I’ve applied to are near cities with several hospitals and also have pre-med clubs which bring medical speakers on campus. If I went to Geneseo I would need to get clinical work done in the summer. There just doesn’t seem to be a focus outside of biology itself. Any input on this from current students or graduates would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>i’m bio/premed here at geneseo and wanted to let you know that</p>

<li>we’re starting a phiDE chapter here which is a premed fraternity</li>
<li>most people get clinical experience by shadowing over breaks and the summer or if you have time people shadow doctors in town. you can also become an emt with gfr or the fire department. you get credit for that class as well</li>

<p>just go to a college you’ll enjoy. med schools care a lot more about how you did in school rather than where you went</p>