SUNY Geneseo vs. Cornell

<p>I'm trying to decide between Geneseo and and Cornell. Aside from the huge financial perks, I also was accepted into the Medical Program at Geneseo, which means SUNY Upstate Medical University has saved me a spot in their class of 2017 if I maintain a 3.5 in the prerequisites for med. school- no MCATs, no applications, no interviews, etc. However, I really love Cornell a lot lot lot... so I'm struggling to pick one.</p>

<p>any thoughts?</p>

<p>I'm going to Geneseo in the Fall and if I had those choices I would choose Cornell. Basically it comes down to the financial situation, if cost isn't a problem then Cornell.</p>

<p>I think the financial perks and the lack of MCATs are major perks that should not be overlooked. It's also important to look at life after college; are there significant opportunities open to you at Cornell (or wherever you go after that) that you could not get graduating from the Upstate Medical Program? However, Cornell is a once in a lifetime experience... Whatever you choose, good luck!</p>

<p>This is a tough one.</p>

<p>An ivy league school is such a thrill. I have no personal exp., but my girlfriend's Dad went to Dartmouth and had what he claims to be, the best four years of his life. He is now a surgeon.</p>

<p>On the other hand, that guaranteed med school acceptance is nice. However, Upstate med school is in a dull, dreary, and boring area. I believe that if one attends a state school, then they should attend a rewarding,prestigious grad school.</p>

<p>BUTTTT, med school is a complete crap shoot so the assurance tastes mighty good.</p>

<p>I would probably go to Cornell. Live life day by day. You can worry about med school when the time comes. Just keep a high GPA, which someone of your intelligence shouldn't have a problem with. Good luck.</p>

<p>Hard decision. Automatic acceptance to Med School with no MCATS, applications, interview??? If you are 100% decided on Medical school that is a hard one to turn down. I am not sure what I would have done if I had the same decision to make. </p>

<p>If it makes you feel better there are people that choose Geneseo over Cornell. It usually has to do with cost though.</p>

<p>Two good perks with Geneseo but ofcourse Cornell is a great school!</p>

<p>You have two great choices!!!</p>