<p>I've been admitted EW (Early Write ) to williams and swarthmore. I want to major in internal relations/public policy/soc with a pre-med background. I really like Williams, and I come from NYC, yet I still like the mountanous area. Right now my preference is to williams, but in terms of pre-professionals like med school, which is better, any opinions?</p>
<p>I don't know if you'd consider either school pre-professional in anything, being LACs and all. But Williams has wonderful depts in the pure sciences.</p>
<p>man, Williams has an excellent track record for getting its graduates into medical school. It's very strong in all sciences and social studies but I'd probably give Swarthmore the edge in social consciousness. </p>
<p>At the end of the day, you'd get an excellent education at either one and have a good shot at graduate or professional school with a degree from either one, so go with the school that best fits your personality. You'll do best where you're happiest.</p>
<p>And congratulations!</p>