Pre-med student worried about poor dual enrollment grade in high school [C+ in non-pre-med course]

I am currently a freshman in college who is on the premed track. In the final semester of my senior year of high school I took a dual enrollment class on economics and got a C+. Now that I am in college this grade has shown up on my academic portal and is a part of my transfer gpa as well as cumulative gpa. How likely is this to hurt my medical school admissions chances? I am a Biochem major so not sure how heavily they will weigh an economics grade.

It’s ONE grade. That single one grade isn’t going to prevent you from getting accepted to medical school. You are a freshman…you need to do your best NOW…and go forward from here.


Just don’t give that ONE C+ any more C+s to keep it company and it won’t materially affect your med school admission chances.


Your application GPA will be divided between science and non-science as well as overall. Not the end of the world, but you do need many many As to average out the C.

If it was me, unless the teacher hates me, I would go back and beg… Sometimes that works.

@cy7878 I am assuming your response was to the OP to this thread (who hasn’t been seen on this site since the end of September) and not to @WayOutWestMom .

If it was me, unless the teacher hates me, I would go back and beg… Sometimes that works.

Plus…this student took this C+ course as a DE course in high school and now is a college student. It’s a little late to ask for a change in grade…just saying.

I agree with wayoutwestmom that one C+ grade shouldn’t be a huge source of concern, if the student has otherwise excellent grades.

yes. wrong click and too new to know how to fix it.

I don’t think this can be changed…don’t worry about it. To reply, you click the BLUE reply box…not the reply that is on the post. Good to know for next time.

Welcome to CC.

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