PLEASE HELP! University or CCC Before Nursing School???

Hi I am a high school sophomore in need of advice.

Is it better to go to straight to a university (Pre-Nursing major) or should I go to a community college to do my pre-reqs and then transfer into a nursing school? I already know I want to go to a Cal Sate University (So-Cal preferably). Due to my grades (C and B in AP Calculus AB, two C’s in AP Biology but dropping for regular biology), I don’t think I can get into a direct-entry program.

Nursing schools I’m most interested in:

Thank you in advance!

Some community colleges also offer programs to become a RN. They issue an associates degree that is approved to let you take the RN exam. Many of those graduates finish a BSN later, often with financial help from their employer. Often there is a waiting list to get into a community college RN program, and you need to do well on prerequisites during your freshman year.

A backup plan could be to go to a community college for vocational/practical nursing.

It is unusual to take AP bio as a sophomore.

I’d recommend applying to a variety of colleges and keeping your options open, so you hopefully will have some choices during your senior year. Because California nursing programs are so competitive, I’d also consider some out of state colleges.

SDSU is a direct admit Nursing school for Freshman but you can transfer into the BSN program after completing your Nursing requirements at a CC or another 4 year university.

Since you are a Sophomore you have plenty of time to explore your options and come up with a reasonable list. Just remember if you do not get into a direct admit program as a Freshman, there is no guarantee that you will get into a Nursing program as a Pre-Nursing major at any of the schools or as a transfer.

I would take a look at Azusa Pacific and University of San Francisco both direct admit by slightly less competitive than the Cal States or UC’s. Also as stated above consider some OOS schools such as Arizona State (direct admit). Gonzaga (direct admit) and apply widely.

Can you still sit for the California NCLEX and become a California nurse if you go to an out of state nursing school?

The RN exam is a national exam. You can apply to be licensed in any state.

Unless you want the “college experience”, you should go to community college first and then transfer to the nursing program. Financially speaking, I don’t see much of a point going to a university for pre-nursing if you can take all of the prerequisites at a community college at a significantly cheaper cost.

If you don’t want to be at cc for the usual 2 years, consider taking cc classes while you are still in high school. Many of the prerequisite classes are offered online and are essentially free if you are in high school. Just make sure that you only get A’s in these classes as the CSU BSN programs are hard to get into with low grades. By the time my daughter got out of high school, she already had 43 college credits and just needed to take the major science prerequisites and take the teas before she can apply to the nursing programs.

Whichever route you take, I wish you all the best in the future!

It is really nice to attend the same college for all 4 years IF you can afford it. It is easier to develop life-long friends and supportive relationships with other students. However, I realize that not everyone can afford it, particularly if they do not have the opportunity to attend an in-state public university for nursing.

Also, keep in mind that as a commuter, you will need a reliable car. Maintenance, repairs, gas and any parking fees can get expensive. At many 4 year colleges, you can walk most places or take a college bus, and do not need a car.