Transferring for Nursing from CCC

I noticed that there weren’t any recent threads regarding nursing transfer so this is for chancing as well as figuring out where I should apply as well as ways I can increase my chances. My main questions for this thread is:

Are there any urban safety schools in California (preferred) or OOS that are not overly religious?
What are my chances at more competitive schools?

Status: Second Year/Junior at a CCC
GPA: 3.7
Major Pre-req (ie. Anat, Micro, Eng, Chem, Bio) GPA: 3.8
TEAS: 87% (First-try, I plan on retaking it)

I have been rejected to many of schools for Fall 2020 but I suspect the pre-reqs I have in progress might have heavily affected this: Physio, OChem, Speech. I am considering staying another year to bolster my application with CNA certification and hospital volunteering (I am currently volunteering at a nursing home).

Accepted: SJSU (Pre-nursing), SFSU (Bio)
Pending: USF

Hi @smallettuce
Have you looked at Samuel Merritt in Oakland? They offer a 2 year transfer in but it was expensive ( though I have heard they do have scholarships).
We did look at the CC route for my daughter because her direct admit BSN options are out of state but the local cc did say it would be a difficult route to take and she would need to maintain a 4.0 to be competitive to transfer. I assume he meant public in state.
Pretty much all of the Cal States offer a transfer into nursing . I would recommend looking at places like Humboldt or the Channel Isles or Monterey ( sorry not urban) where maybe (?) there is less competition and also your own home Cal state where you will have priority over non local candidates. Each school will publish their own criteria. In addition to GPA and TEAS score you also get points for having a second language, bring a veteran, having relevant work or volunteering experience. So it’s worth checking where you think you stand the best chance.
There are very few direct admit schools in Oregon. Most candidates do one year ( or two) of cc then transfer in so I would check out if there are options there for you esp if you can find a school that is in the western Conference so more affordable.
My daughter also said initially she was not interested in going to a religious school but ended up applying to several Jesuit schools and that is most likely where she will end up. If you are a compassionate person who cares about the individual, then even if you don’t share their belief in god, I bet you will share many of their values. And they don’t force their religious views on you at all.
One other thought would be to transfer your credits and get a BS in public health for example, which would be easier to get into and then do a one year accelerated BSN.
Hope this helps and best of luck!


Thank you so much for your informative reply. As far as I knew, only SJSU, SFSU, SDSU, CSULB, and CSULA. I will definitely look into Channel Islands, Humboldt, and Samuel Merritt.

My process for choosing a school is mainly distance and overall environment.
My main apprehension to attending a religious school was not having similar goals/beliefs as the other students there. However, I found that USF is a very inclusive campus with students of diverse backgrounds (hopefully, I get in!!). Given my circumstances though, I want to keep my options open since nursing is something I have wanted to pursue for years now. I really appreciate the extra information!


What is your take on public health schools? I have yet to hear about specific colleges that are good for this major.

@smallettuce I am sorry but don’t know a lot about this major. My daughter did visit Univ of Reno, Nevada . If you are not accepted into the final 2 years of their nursing program, it’s a option to gain a degree in public health instead . They have a one year accelerated BSN you can apply for afterwards. I think other schools also offer this pathway.

@smallettuce, I am also a nursing transfer major and will be applying this upcoming fall and transfer fall 2021. You mentioned that you got rejected from CSULA… by any chance, do you live within the LA county? usually, if you live within the LA county, your chances are increased. also, you should look into CSU Stanislaus, East Bay, San Bernardino, Long Beach. San Diego. You have a great gpa and teas score!! which I think you have a pretty good shot at.
I think that the reason why you might have been rejected is because of Physio and chem. Many CSU’s do not accept in progress courses. They want the applicant to finish all nursing pre-req’s in the fall semester.


Thank you for your input! I do live in LA county, which is why I was quite disappointed seeing that I got rejected from CSULA. At this point, I am seriously considering staying another year to ensure I have all the necessary classes down. A lot of my plans are up in the air since there is a chance Fall 2020 will be online as well.

Application Update: NYU- Accepted (Nursing)

Yes, I also did see that CSU’s and UC’s are considering online class this upcoming fall as well… However, whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck! ??