Pre-Tour Day

<p>Son and wife are heading down and hopefull in town by early Sunday PM. All day on tour/visits on Monday and then rolling out. Any ideas on what to see and do on Sunday afternoon? I usually try to find the “strip”/where students might be hanging out to get a feel for the town and campus. Where should I recommend they walk around/visit on Sunday PM? We have one shot and I want to be sure they see as much as possible without wearing them out for the Monday visits.</p>

<p>Thanks to many here, last visit son and DH took in a basketball game.
They had to experience great BBQ (Dreamland was love at first taste).
They walked the Strip and the Quad.</p>

<p>I believe there is a home baseball game Sunday early afternoon.</p>

<p>Aggie84…I think you posted in another thread that you S might be interested in joining a fraternity. Have you called IFC and scheduled a Greek tour with them? He might also get online and reach out to a few fraternities that he’s interested in. He should let them know he’s in town “briefly” and maybe they could also set up a visit at a house??? DD’s boyfriend is in a new row fraternity. I am happy to try and help :).</p>

<p>Thanks for the offer, but they are not sure what their schedule will be on Sunday at the back end of a 12 hour trip so don’t want to lock into anything. He is meeting with someone in Greek community as part of his visit on Monday–I greatly appreciate your offer, but have to pass!</p>