Predict Chances at MIT, CMU, WPI

<p>I'm currently a female sophomore</p>

Sat's: predicted 1900-2300
Hardest courseload at school (all honors and AP's)
GPA: 4.0 uw 4.8 w
AP's Current :USH, Bio(self-study)
AP's by grad: 11 (above plus chem, phys, calc bc, comp science ab, psyc, english lit, spanish, stats, human geo)
Math IIC (taking)
Chemistry: 800
Physics (taking)
Ranking: top 5% (of doesnt do exact)</p>

Competition Dancer (10)
---Regular Dancer- since age 4
---Competition Workshops- past 3 years (all in excess of 10 hours/week)
National Honor Society
International Language Honor Society (Spanish)
Habitat for Humanity (9,10)
Quiz Bowl Team (10)
Science Club (vp 10)
Healing the Children (co-organizer)
Math Tutor at school
Sunday School Teacher (kindergarten)(10)
Vacation Bible School Teacher (since 6th grade)</p>

<p>Job: design/manage websites for companies</p>

<p>...I know I'm lacking in the science EC department, but I would like to major in chemical engineering. Any input would be appreciated, these are the schools I'm looking at. Thanks!</p>

Carnegie Mellon
U of I- Urbana
Rutgers (in-state)
...any other schools you might think are good.</p>

<p>Chance with a 2300, no chance with a 1900. [MIT]</p>

<p>your starting early- thats a good start. Keep up your grades and the good work and start preparing for the SATs as soon as possible. If you truly have dreams of going there and you work extremly hard from now until your senior year you can go anywhere.</p>

<p>dang... thats really REALLY good for a sophomore. keep it up. </p>

<p>MIT is definitely hardcore sciences. so id suggest really working hard in chemistry, and trying to go to the USA chemistry camp. thatd really be a good thing to put on your resume (or in fact any camp or international olympiad).</p>

<p>if you want more info just google 'usnco', 'usabo', 'usamo', or 'usapo' (i think those are the correct acronyms... corect me if im wrong)</p>

<p>thanks...I'll try looking those up</p>