<p>I'm currently a female sophomore</p>
Sat's: predicted 1900-2300
Hardest courseload at school (all honors and AP's)
GPA: 4.0 uw 4.8 w
AP's Current :USH, Bio(self-study)
AP's by grad: 11 (above plus chem, phys, calc bc, comp science ab, psyc, english lit, spanish, stats, human geo)
Math IIC (taking)
Chemistry: 800
Physics (taking)
Ranking: top 5% (of 400...school doesnt do exact)</p>
Competition Dancer (10)
---Regular Dancer- since age 4
---Competition Workshops- past 3 years (all in excess of 10 hours/week)
National Honor Society
International Language Honor Society (Spanish)
Habitat for Humanity (9,10)
Quiz Bowl Team (10)
Science Club (vp 10)
Healing the Children (co-organizer)
Math Tutor at school
Sunday School Teacher (kindergarten)(10)
Vacation Bible School Teacher (since 6th grade)</p>
<p>Job: design/manage websites for companies</p>
<p>...I know I'm lacking in the science EC department, but I would like to major in chemical engineering. Any input would be appreciated, these are the schools I'm looking at. Thanks!</p>
Carnegie Mellon
U of I- Urbana
Rutgers (in-state)
...any other schools you might think are good.</p>