predict my scholarship? / EA advantage?

<p>Hey, I live in Florida and am definitely applying to UM. Can you guys guess what scholarship I'll be able to get? Also, is the school more generous with their financial aid if you apply EA? (Or should I just go ahead and SCEA at an ivy league that I'm applying to?)</p>

<p>my stats include: ACT 33, 1490 SAT (reading & math) overall 2260. I go to a public school in South Florida. My class rank is 2/544 (top 1%) and my gpa is 4.0/4.0 unweighted, 5.3 weighted. </p>

<p>thanks guys! :)</p>

<p>My son is applying too.</p>

<p>Go on the Miami websight and check out the Singer scholarship.</p>

<p>It is my understanding that you could get a 50% scholarship, and maybe even a 100% scholarship.</p>

<p>But even if you get a 50% scholarship, it would still be much more expensive that UF or FSU.</p>

<p>They even have a Singer weekend, where they invite you to campus.</p>

<p>From the comments on this board over the years, yes, applying EA would be of benefit to you. It is a timing issue; the school has more to “spend” on scholarships earlier then later. </p>

<p>[New</a> Freshmen / First Year Students | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“]New”></p>

<p>You didn’t detail your EC component, so a rough guess would be at least the Dickinson or University Scholarship with possibly an invite to the Singer weekend. Some really great contributors here on the board, such as SVM Mom, rankinr and others, might be able to give you some perspective also. I have noticed is that every year the competition for the top awards just gets a bit more difficult, with the requirements being much tougher for 2012 then they were for 2007.</p>

<p>As far as Floridadad 55’s comments (which came in while typing my post), two of the scholarships are above the 50% tuition/fee threshold (University and Singer) with Dickinson just a few dollars higher then 50%. </p>

<p>Then again, UCF, USF, FAU and FIU are usually cheaper then UF and FSU. Not a ratings parrot by no means, but UM is the highest ranked university in the state.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for both of your comments! I have researched the scholarships that UM offers, and I’d love love love to be considered for the 100% scholarship. </p>

<p>My EC’s include President of Mu Alpha Theta, Managing Editor of national-award winning newspaper, and Treasurer of National Honor Society.
I am a member of Share-A-Pet organization for 6 years now (pet therapy program). I also write for their national and local newsletters, and this summer I am helping the founder with a book he is writing about the organization.</p>

<p>I have over 400+ service hours, I’ve been on a 6-week summer program building houses for Habitat for Humanity in Kansas City and doing other service projects.</p>

<p>I have been on the varsity tennis team since 9th grade, and I’ve been playing recreational soccer for the city for 14 years, and played basketball for 8 years.</p>

<p>Miami also has the Stamps scholarship. Google the Stamps Family foundation. It is a full ride for all four years, and includes everything, tuition, housing, books, transportation, study abroad, personal fees, and more.</p>

<p>Nice find Dumbo11, I looked it up…It appears to be limited to BFA students at the Frost School of Music. If mss1206 is applying to Frost (a fantastic place to study music/audio engineering) then it would be definitely something to look into.</p>

<p>BaghDAD, Stamps is not just for music students. My daughter is a freshman at Miami this year, and she received the full ride Stamps scholarship, and she is not in Frost. I think (but am not sure) that 2011 was the first year for Stamps recipients outside of Frost.</p>

<p>Dumbo11 is correct, Stamps opened this year for the fist time beyond the few Frost recipients last year. My daughter was invited to Singer/Stamps weekend and we heard Mr. Stamps mention at the welcome dinner that he’d like to keep increasing the number of Stamps scholars. </p>

<p>My daughter had a 33 ACT, 1520 SAT and was ranked 6/275. She received the $24k Univ plus $4k Gables and was named a Foote fellow. I think applying EA was key to receiving as much as she did - also expressing interest by visiting campus and building a relationship with admissions office.</p>

<p>Good luck to you this fall!

<p>Thank you both for replying and giving me some more info! Hope your daughter enjoys UM!</p>