Prep School dating?

I’m sure all schools are different but in general does dating even happen at boarding school? Are the rules extremely strict or are couples aloud to go on off campus dates? Thanks :slight_smile:

It does. The school all have rules regarding visitation in dorm - i.e. time of day, open door etc, one foot on the floor etc. Varies by school. The schools also have rules about going off campus in general, I’m not aware of any that have different rules for off campus for a date etc.

You could find out specifics by reading each school Handbook - most are available on the school web site. You will also find out details on grading, dress codes, various sign-out procedures, disciplinary process etc…

BTW I recommend reading these when and if you are in a position to accept an offer. It will help you determine if the school is a good fit and whether you are prepared to follow the rules as set out.

@HistoryGeek40 and I have discovered the memes in one school’s handbook. Quite fun. :slight_smile:

Dating happens. You could go for dates and whatnot, but that’d be difficult considering that you’re living on campus. And the parietal rules are to discourage sexual relations, not dating.

I went to boarding school years ago (in the late 80s) and I dated. Dated a day student too. That was fun and different. We actually went places. Also “hu” in my room a bunch of times. Lol. I’m down with the lingo. Maybe things are more strict now or maybe I wasn’t a huge rule follower.

@2schoolsonly Have you shared this with your son as you go through the boarding school process? LOL

Hahaha and according to some teachers, it has gotten stricter over the years.

I think, for some schools, it kind of ebbs and flows. One point to realize is that a generation ago, many of these schools were single-sex, or just starting to become co-ed, so there was probably a lot of seeing what worked/what didn’t and adapting.

Ah that is a valid point. The first few years of coed had to be pretty experimental.

I brought up the subject of dating at BS with my mom and her response was something along the lines of “Who has time for dating? Shouldn’t everyone be busy studying?”

And that’s why you don’t tell your parents. :wink:

My ex-boyfriend only hooked up with girls since he was a boarder, never dated. APPARENTLY, THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A RED FLAG.

Are you aloud to go off campus if you date a day student? Would you be able to go to their house?

@prepster1234: I believe I saw on a few of the BS websites that boarding students can visit a day student’s house, as long as the have the dorm head’s permission and their parents’ permission.