Preparing for Orientation

<p> only seems like yesterday I was making threads asking to chance me for my reach school and then having to decide once I actually got in.</p>

<p>However it seems I have orientation coming up very soon and I already got letters and emails telling me to have my schedule prepared ahead of time for the adviser to go over.
I've been reading through the various pages in the site talking about general ed and pre med requirements. However looking through all these courses and having little to no idea what i'll be doing I would very much appreciate any advice from Geneseo graduates or current students who have been through this. </p>

<p>There seems to be a lot of general ed requirements, how many of those classes did you take freshman year? I'm thinking of doing S/Introduction to Sociology and S/Child Development but I still need to take Natural Sciences, Fine Arts, Western Humanities, Critical Reading/Writing, Non-Western Traditions, Numeric/Symbolic Reasoning, and U.S. Histories courses. I have no clue how to divide up all these courses and if I would be overdoing it if i take too many of them my first year.</p>

<p>Any other tips?</p>

<p>Bear with me as I’m on my iphone. I went to the first orientation session. It’s boring, yet fun. How bout that for an oxymoron…Anyways all I’m a bio premed major and all you really need to know is what INTD 105 course you wanna take. As a freshman you typically take bio, chem, calc, either chem or bio lab and a intd. And the food blows. Just have fun and be social…evryone likes you if talk and break the ice</p>

<p>Awesome, thanks so much for the advice. =]</p>

<p>I’m a little bit more relieved cause here I was trying to map out my course timings and figuring our all the general ed requirements for the next 4 years. That’s much simpler than I had expected. </p>

<p>For first semester I was thinking
-BIOL 119
-BIOL 116 (I think this is a lab)
-CHEM 116
-CHEM 119 (pretty sure this would be a chem lab)
-MATH 221 (calc I)
…and then an INTD 105.</p>

<p>Were you automatically assigned a lab course with your science class? Or is that a whole separate class to sign up for?</p>

<p>I think it is a separate class you have to sign up for. The advisor will basically do it for you. Your schedule looks decent except they don’t let you take two labs a semester. I was confused about this as well, but the advisor told me that its only one lab a semester and you get to choose what that is. I’m taking bio 116 first semester…and will deal with chem second semester</p>

<p>Ah ok, so two semesters of a science but only one semester of lab for each. I will admit that does seem a little confusing but I can’t complain if it’s less lab work to deal with. :P</p>

<p>So right now i’m looking at</p>

<p>-BIOL 117
-BIOL 119 or CHEM 119 (for a lab)
-CHEM 119
-MATH 221
-INTD 105 </p>

<p>Are those all the courses we would need? I don’t know if they make us add other stuff for the general curriculum other than the INTD 105 for first semester. </p>

<p>But i’m hoping those 5 courses will be good enough for one semester. Too bad we can’t choose the time we want the classes to be. Look forward to seeing you there. =]</p>

<p>So if you haven’t sent in ap scores/college transcripts by the time you go to orientation, do they make you sign up for basic courses at first and then switch during add/drop week? Seems like a pain :/</p>

<p>for me they were just like we know you did this but you need to get the official docs sent before we can count them on your transcript. it didn’t affect what classes they let me sign up for, but i did have my college trans sent, just not APs</p>

<p>The scores weren’t even released when I went in for orientation so my adviser just asked me what I think I might have gotten and if I wanted to take a higher course. I don’t think it would stop you from using the credits to take a certain class or skip a certain class etc…</p>