I do not have a good feeling about October at all… I got a 30 in September and wanted to go to a 32 this time but math and science literally killed me. So I think I am going to take December; the problem is that I’ve taken all official ACT tests from June 2016 to June 2013 on c*ackact at least twice now and I feel using the same ones for a third time aren’t going to give me accurate results because I may remember answers or procedures etc.
Are there any other resources people suggest for prep or practice tests?
BTW: I am a senior so December is my absolute LAST chance.
Here are my stats too
June 2016: C-26 E-26 M-24 R-29 S-24
September 2016: C-30 E-35 M-25 R-34 S-26
so I really struggle with math and science and I have no idea how to improve in those areas.
I agreed the Math and Science are quite low… Do you know why? insufficient time or not understanding the concept. How did you do when you tried the real tests from the past? I am just a mom, I like Richard Corn’s Ultimate Guide to Math ACT a lot, I think it covers most of the concept the kid needs to know…Have you tried the online prep from ACT, I think it was about $40…I briefly looked at it and my older DD used it for practices…
I helped a kid raise his Science score, just by going over all of the passages that he had trouble on and reviewing all the questions. You get more accustomed to how they lay out the data, and how they ask questions by going over the passages more than once. I have a question of my own for more senior members. Is anyone keeping a list of science facts that have been assumed in the past on ACT science sections? I find that they will all of a sudden assume some fairly obscure information - information that is not in the data given. They love earth science, weather, and some basic physics concepts - topics that were covered in 9th grade science - a class that some students skip. Some review (basic - not detailed) might be in order.