Who just took the December ACT and is now taking February???

<p>I just took the ACt on saturday and........i think i did terrible on science, very good on english, sort of bad on math, not too great on reading. Overall, i think i got from 27-31 (if im lucky). </p>

<p>So...i am now thinking of taking it in February, so if i dont too great on that, i can always improve for the state mandated March and then take it in April. </p>

<p>Good idea? Btw, i do not have to pay for it becuz of financial issues, so if i go ask my counselor would she think im too crazy for signing up for February before even getting my december score?</p>

<p>Taking in February would be pointless for me because I’m a senior, but yeah go ahead and take it again in Feb there’s nothing wrong with that assuming that you’re a junior or younger.</p>

<p>My Jr S is taking it again in February. Hopefully that will be the end of it, but could possibly take it again in April if needed. You might as well take it again since it won’t cost you anything but 4 hours of your life on a Saturday morning and a little bit of anxiety. (The December scores will be available on line as early as 12/29 so you will likely know your score before the February exam.)</p>

<p>Don’t feel bad about your science score. The general concensus on CC is that it was possibly the hardest standardized test section anyone had ever seen. Sounds like the curve will be forgiving. My S thought he did well on the questions he completed, but he had to randomly bubble in the last 7 answers.</p>

<p>I’ll probably take the Feb. ACT, </p>

<p>I think I did pretty well on English/Reading, OK on Math, very bad on Science</p>

<p>ran out of effing time on the math!!! I didnt do last 5 questions so I labeled them all as the 3rd choice.</p>

<p>I also think I did terrible on science</p>

<p>also taking it in feb for 1 school</p>

<p>anyone know if dec ACTs are usually the hardest and whats the range of difficulty on the feb test</p>

<p>Science and math were horrible. I had to resort to guessing on both. Terrible situation. Last time on math, I was able to answer all the questions and still only got a 31… i had to guess on Science this ACT. I had not the slightest clue what was going on. Every practice test I take, I score around 33-35, however, the last ACT I got a lousy 29, and i feel I did worse this time around. The good news is I feel confident on the English (the only score that was low last time…23) and the Reading. Actually, the reading was really easy for me–maybe 36? Back to the subject… I’m a senior this year, and their is no reason for me to take the February ACT.</p>

<p>I think I’ll retake in Feb. Since the ACT sends score reports by test date, isn’t it impossible for colleges to know how many u’ve taken?</p>

<p>Definintely Me!</p>


<p>Science> Me.</p>

<p>bump. i think ill wait to see my score before i decide on taking feb. science effed me hard, but i felt really confident about the other 3 tests. this was my first test, no practice at all, and i just felt really good about everything but science. i feel like the act is really not as big a deal as this forum makes it out to be. i want to see just how bad i actually did on science, and how much it really brings my score down. hopefully my english score will make up for it. english was very easy, somehow. i finished with 15 minutes to spare. anyway, yeah, hoping for 28, something to build on.</p>

<p>I’m takin feb. Lots of prepping going on.</p>

<p>i dont think i got a 33+ on the dec. act. should i wait for my score to come before registering for the feb. or just register?</p>

<p>Wait until your scores come out, because you should know your scores before the registration deadline for the February test. Retake it then in Feb. if you are not happy with your scores.</p>