Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

@Sonnie323 We have not had a chance to take our ACT as well but, the majority of the schools that we applied to are all test optional. We are not going to worry about taking the test at this time. I even asked a school and they said that they are not even looking at the tests at this time.

Elon MT- sending results- found on the Acceptd portal before email was sent.

Pace- submitted 9/17- results 9/23
TCU- submitted 9/17- results 10/2

Pace - submitted 9/29; results 10/1
Elon - submitted 9/20; results 10/14

Elon - submitted 9/21; results 10/14
Temple - submitted 9/23; waiting

Roosevelt CCPA - submitted 10/1; results 10/15

Syracuse 9/16 submit 10/15 results.

My D has been taking voice 6 yrs, dance 4 yrs and very little acting training. She has passed some prescreens but 2 have been to audition for just Acting. I knew this was going to be a strange ride but kind of scratching my head. Anyone else with similar results?

From all that I’ve read/researched- don’t be surprised by anything. I have twins. They’ve probably been in over 25 productions over the last six years. They are both very accomplished in some ways, but as 17 year old boys- there is still so much growth to be had. They can “move”, are not really dancers- have had a lot of vocal/acting coaching. I have no idea what to expect. One of them has passed all pre-screens so far- the other, all but Otterbein and Elon (which was a tough one- as academics is really important.) Everyone constantly reminds me, as I remind my boys- at some point, talent isn’t even a factor- it’s what these schools are specifically looking for to round out/diversify each of their programs- which is a wonderful thing, even though “they” might not be that person. Some days, I admit, “ I” just want to quit. It’s so hard…for me mostly the “why” or “what did I do wrong,” or “was I next on the list?” Oh well…just SIX more months???

Hi all we are not having good results with prescreens - Nos from CMU, Syracuse and Elon so far. We knew these are extreme reach schools, but it is difficult to be rejected from all three already. Should we assume this is the beginning of a trend? It looks to me from these boards that people who pass prescreens (especially at the top schools) tend to pass all or nearly all of them.

@momofboys33 based on all that I have read, I would not assume it’s the beginning of a trend! I am pretty sure I have read almost all of the Class of 2024 decisions and a good part of 2023 (benefits being an insomniac during this process) and the only theme I see is that there is no rhyme or reason to any of this! My son’s coach loves to say that it’s statistically harder to get in to a top MT program than Harvard Law. My constant chant these days is “It’s all about the fit” and reminding my son he is not without options.

Sending positive vibes for the remainder of the prescreens and great fits for all of the 2021 kids!

Heard back from Emerson that they are just starting to review prescreens and should have an answer back within the next two weeks.

Make sure you have applied to a good number of programs. 30 has been the target for girls, 25 for boys. You have time to apply to more programs at this point, and still be eligible for merit scholarship consideration. Your prescreens are in the can and ready to upload, so what’s another essay. Merit deadlines can be 11/1 or 12/1. Perspective: Last year, Syracuse had 800 applicants for MT and extended a final audition to 400, yielding a class of 25ish. CCM had upwards of 1200 applicants for MT and invited approximately 400 to finals, for a class of 25ish. Alabama whittled down approximately 600 applicants to around 200 for finals for a class size of roughly 12. Be open minded, explore different programs and tracks. An early “no” can be a gift. And a non-audition BA with the ability to cross-train can be gold. Don’t get hung up on the brand. A redirect from MT to Acting or Theatre Arts is also valid.

Ooh just jumping in to send out virtual hugs and empathy to all! This was the scariest time for us because we knew my kid was a wild card, having had very little experience in much besides dance and one year of show choir. Some kids have so much experience and some have none, the auditors often say they don’t care about the resume, they care what happens in the room (virtually too).

I will say though, it is a good time to help take a look at your list, see if you (the collective you) were too closed off to opportunities that you might consider. I wish we would have said yes to more acting when allowed on apps, we said no when asked for the first batch. We would have never applied to the school where they are now (UNCSA), if it weren’t for panic buying moments. Literally sat there at midnight thinking why add another? They don’t even have a dance call and that was what we thought was the toe hold of a chance to a yes.

Fast forward and we just had a wonderful check in and my kid said they couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Ensure you have non prescreen schools on your list, those were some of our favorites are not necessarily less competitive, some just don’t like prescreens.

You’re doing great! Take breaks. Do something fun. Celebrate the wins and mourn the losses. KEEP GOING!

Someone else mentioned this…PLEASE get a balanced list of schools. A lot of the schools mentioned so far are reach schools. The kids I work with are discouraged from having a single dream school. I make them spend a lot of time researching schools that include reach, mid-tier and safety (no audition). Building that school list is the very, very first thing I make them do – even before thinking about prescreen material. Last year, one of my kids auditioned for about 30 and got 24 acceptances. Another student from here auditioned for 22 and got waitlisted for all. It is early in the season, so also know that your prescreens can change, based on the response you are getting. If you aren’t using someone familiar with the process to help, make sure:

  • you are not using overused or overdone songs/monologues (especially those on many schools "do not use" lists
  • you are representing who you are as a performer - know what your type is and let your material reflect that. If your songs and monologues are all over the place in terms of "type," it doesn't represent that you know yourself well and where you could fit
  • you are doing material within 5-7 years of your age. This can be REALLY hard to find an assortment of good, not overdone material that works for 14-25. Especially contrasting characters that represent different types of stories and themes. But it is doable. Hard work, but doable.
  • you are not doing material because it is "cool" and the latest thing...make sure it fits YOU (see above) and your type
  • are giving screeners and directors an opportunity to see your capabilities as a performer...look for material that isn't flat or single-tone. I call it having "levels' and a great choice monologue or song would be one where you get to pivot or change emotion or expression in it. Depending on how you interpret the material, that might be more than you think! I was working with someone last night who thought the monologue was a single emotion/expression. After we broke it down, they realized that they could do it differently and honestly, it came out as a very fresh, honest interpretation of a monologue that may have been heard before. Again, takes work...analysis...prep...
  • letting someone objectively view your prescreens before sending...someone who can give you actionable feedback.

I could probably write 20 more items, but don't be discouraged...make those college lists and make sure there are good fits for you in all parts (what you want in a school) and really look at your material to make sure it is a good fit for you!

Thanks for the replies and encouragement! It is definitely important for us to keep balance of the list in mind, we definitely have a good variety of schools on the list I think (it is just the ones we heard from quickly are skewed towards the ultra-reach), and we’re adding some more schools to bring it to 25-30. It is so overwhelming to have to deal with so many, but we’ve got a spreadsheet going to keep things organized. The limit of 20 schools in the common app is super annoying in these circumstances! I do see how in some ways an early rejection from the prescreen stings but can honestly be useful in allowing him to shift focus, cut his losses and move forward while we still have time to add and adjust!

@momofboys33 I am happy to share the spreadsheet I give my kids. I’d be happy to go over it with you. Let me know if you want it! I have one tab that has a list of “matters/doesn’t matter” then a “college planner” sheet where they fill in everything as they go (deadlines, if they completed something, etc.). It has been a valuable tool, I think, for the kids I work with!

@momofboys33 absolutely - this clears the way to focus on the Yes schools! The rational mind ( these are super reach) and the emotional mind (the no still hurts) can share a cup of tea and a hug and figure out the next steps!

Rarely here these days but wanted to pop in to offer encouragement to all!!

@momofboys33 Our personal experience with prescreens was much like yours 3 Big No’s all close together. The timing can suck sometimes but don’t be discouraged. If S is open to it, definitely consider any offers to apply for a school’s acting program and audition if there are redirects to other programs. Any opportunity go get in front of people with his material is a learning experience right now.
Something else to consider- D’s prescreen results caused us to re-examine her material. From my perspective, changing a song started changing her results. Not that I think it’s something you should do, but something to consider when you get to the Live/Zoom auditions and your S can start to read some reactions to his repertoire. Good luck to you!

My DD is waiting for Syracuse PS results. Applied on 09/21. Has anyone who applied after this date had a yes? We keep hearing of no’s!!

Just heard from Penn State, submitted 8/29.