Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Curious to see when various schools start reviewing and releasing prescreen results - no need to say whether your son/daughter passed or not (unless you’d like to), but please note the school, when the results were released, and when the prescreen was submitted. Thanks!

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I would love to know this as well. As I’ve looked back to other years/classes- have seen some school respond within days, others take months!! We’ve submitted all of our applications and 10-12 prescreens. We’ve only heard back form CMU. Submitted 9/3, heard back 9/10.

That’s great to know, I’m submitting my CMU prescreen soon. Acting, not MT.
I believe some of the colleges I’m applying to, such as CalArts, don’t start reviewing prescreens until after the application deadline but I could be wrong. Need to double check that.

Please keep in mind for many schools, if you wait until the date prescreens are due, there may not be any audition slots left. Nobody knows how virtual auditions will affect the volume of auditions, but I would definitely submit prescreens early, if possible.

Anecdotal observation - for schools that review pre-screens as they come in, it seems like those that submit early, hear quickly. Those that submit later seem to wait longer for their results as the schools get backed up on reviewing submissions as the volume increases. Good luck all!

Thank you for staring this @Xena11.

Elon’s deadline for their 10/30 & 11/6 Fall auditions is today (9/21). S is submitting his prescreen today (I hear your sigh @onette LOL). Per Acceptd, if he passes, there will be an interview and another dance tape submission which is due by 11/6. After a crazy weekend of re-taping and editing, we set a new goal to get all colleges that do not require school applications first done this week. And get the rest of the applications done by 10/1. We just found out that in-person school will not start until Nov. for Seniors so “Wellness Wednesday” will be a great time to stress out with applications. :wink: I will update when he finds out his prescreen status.

Does anyone know if the artistic letters of recommendation need to be in at Michigan before they review your prescreens? In the application it says they will not be reviewed until your artistic application is complete?

They will not pass your prescreen unless you are academically acceptable to the university (gpa/sat etc). Last year at the on campus auditions the Director mentioned everyone in this room is here because academically you met the schools requirements.

Coastal- submitted 9/17- results on 9/20
Interesting though…I have twins going through this. They did their Wildcard video together, so are trying to submit within 24 house of each other. The results are coming in days apart.

@E2L1DC :smile: LOL I know, I know…I would have loved to help “polish” before this one! “polishing” is one of my strong suits!

@dramamama2424 There are more schools on that list as well. This year, because of the virtual aspect, I think it is possible more schools may require that? I know there is concern about the ease of auditioning. No travel for most so easier to cast the net wider. Last year, one of my kids did not ever find out about Emerson. Emerson said he didn’t finish his application - transcripts were not received. They were sent 3 times (granted, one of the largest high schools in the country…questions "why do you need so many transcripts? and other schools also had to be submitted multiple times!). Emerson would never release anything on artistic because of this. Then, COVID shut things down so it will just be one of those “wonder” situations.

Has anyone heard back from Elon, Penn State, Syracuse, BOCO, or Michigan? Wondering if these schools wait until a certain date and release all at once or is it rolling? Thanks!

S hasn’t heard back from Elon. The website says “before 10/16”. Syracuse said it would likely evaluate EDs before RDs first. Deadline for ED submission was 10/1.

Hi! Does Pace send yes or no either way? Received a yes for one program and nothing yet for the other. We have received results from Elon, Ithaca, Pace (FTVC), and DePaul so far and all were pretty quick.

I feel like we are late to the game here. We will not be filming our prescreens until next weekend and hope to have all applications sent by the 24th. Are we running behind?

It’s been tough to get SAT’s hope that does not hold up applications and prescreens for many. My son just finally took his first one on the 23rd and we have our figures crossed, he had no prep time, as all his previous ones were canceled and his prep course was canceled this past spring…UGH. We just finished his prescreens last night.

@iowamtmom we had all oour pre sceens early and had mediocre results, know others who submitted at the deadline and had good results…I dont think early or late has much of an impact so long as you meet the deadline. some schools dont even begin reviewing them until the deadline or based on requested audition date ( ELon is one). Dont stress ut forth your best work than forget about it , the prescreens are a total crap shoot in my humble opinion.

@sonnie323 nice to see you back you were active in our class of 2024 process at the end and starting the class of 2025 discussions and then you seemed MIA for a while- hope your process is going well…remember its a marathon with MANY ups and downs

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@ATLtheatre - did you apply to Elon for Acting or MT? Just curious if their notifications are on different timetables depending on the program. Thanks!

@cng626 Applied for Acting, not MT. Elon did have a nice clear timeline and we received notification on the very day they indicated we would. Would be nice if all were that way! :smiley:

@iowamtmom, I agree with @NYYFanNowMTdad. I think you are right not to rush and to make sure you get a quality prescreen that really represents where your child is now. Last year we rushed it. My daughter got everything in by early September because we were worried about audition dates. It was good enough - she passed all 14 of her prescreens. The only problem? Looking back, they really weren’t what they could have been. And while she ended up on multiple waitlists at excellent schools, she never came off them. We think this was largely due to the fact that when the faculty looked back at her tapes they really were not her best work. They were just good enough to get her through. Fast forward to this year - she is reapplying because she didn’t like her options and we are taping this weekend because that is when she is ready. I know plenty of kids who submitted a day or two before the deadline last year and had great results…

@moosegirlemy2 Absolutely - this is great advice!!! I beg the kids I work with not to rush those prescreens. That being said, you don’t want to wait until the deadline, because some schools in the past have been inundated with too many and cut off early before the due date because all the audition slots were filled. I think getting them 3 weeks out from due date is usually a safe bet. This year, I have noticed several schools pulling the prescreen dates back a bit. Not sure what that will mean for decision dates. I wish they could all roll back a little. Last year, we got offers into end of April and May which makes housing, etc at some schools difficult. Utah was one of those. They were out of freshman housing before offers were extended!