Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

It’s a weird year, for sure, so who knows!
It was just too early for us in Sept to get everything in. :wink:

Bummed, though, as it was one of his top choices.
Onward and upward.

My dd got a no from Elon today too. Also got a no from Pointe Park and Oklahoma State (both of which admitted her academically, lol). She has auditions in January/Early Feb with:
Penn State
U Mich
Carnegie Mellon
Texas State
University of Alabama Birmingham
Non prescreen schools scheduled auditions are:
Baldwin Wallace waitlist (she was late to get this one in)

My daughter is voice first, but has had some dance and picks up choreography quickly. I’m wondering if that’s why she didn’t pass the ones she didn’t pass? I really don’t know what to think and hope that with all of these prescreen passes, she’ll get at least one offer? She completed the Pace audition and felt like she got positive feedback, but the rest are still to come. I’m glad to have this part behind us (although she has done it all, just gives me the reports as they come in, so I shouldn’t say “us”).

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D just heard a little while ago from Columbia College BFA MT, and she passed PreScreen . She has a virtual meetup in February forgot the exact date, but they are 10 min meetings. Would that mean its just a meeting or she would have to do monlagoue and songs??

Congrats! My D passed too! I think it says interview/audition, hopefully more info will come:)

Congrats to you as well!!!

My son was waitlisted for an audition from his Molloy/Cap prescreen. We are wondering if he has a chance to get off the waitlist and get an audition. Anyone else get waitlisted?

MT recruiting and auditioning responsibilities are so much heavier than any other professors I can think of. I wonder how much that process takes away from their current students or burns them out? Does anyone have a sense for that?

passed indiana! sent 12/30, heard 1/12

Question about NYU Steinhardt: Do they only contact you if your prescreen is a “pass”? We submitted three months ago and have heard nothing. According to the website, all results should have been released by today. If you fail to pass the prescreen, do they simply never respond? It’s frustrating to watch your child record a bunch of special videos for a specific school and then never receive any acknowledgment that they were even reviewed. This is our last prescreen result and I will be happy when this part of the process is behind us! Thanks for listening and let me know if anyone else had this experience.

Anyone else waiting on USC? I know they sent info session emails around but is anyone hearing when they are notifying re: prescreens?

@Tinman21 I agree it seems overwhelming…I can only speak for my Daughter’s Fr experience at BW. Vicky Bussert auditions over 800 kids every year, she taught their freshman MT class , directed a fall show and has " office hours" like any other professor. The kids adore her and they loved her class- she seems extremely engaged and energized by her love for the kids and passion for all things creative. Maybe thats what makes her one of the best in her field?

Try not to “read into” posted prescreen results OR actual results for your kid. You could easily fall into the trap of thinking program A must be better / harder than program B because they keep showing up as “NOs” on this thread. I don’t know the number but there are probably 50 really good programs out there.

When D did this last yr, she would get a “No” from a perceived prestigious school only to get a “Yes” from another. back and forth for weeks. Same for the actual auditions. She applied to most of the name brands. Was accepted to a few (you just need one). Her friends had similar experiences. There was a lot “wow you got in to X, they just declined me, and then the reverse.” Kind of like two friends both applying to Harvard and Yale with each being accepted by one and not the other with similar stats / accomplishments.

Yes you need talent because part of it is a talent competition. But the holistic piece, which I feel is very big, is way more about what they are looking for. What shows are they doing? Who would be a good fit? How many of X do they already have (meaning will your kid get good opportunities while in school - very important)? Are they coachable? Do we want to work with this kid?

Think of the talent piece, with some exceptions, as lots of top academic students with perfect grades /scores applying to the top academic schools. Their academic ability is a given (table stakes). Much of it has to come to the other stuff as they all have very limited room for students.

Another factor could be when you audition. Don’t know this for a fact, but I firmly believe you have better odds the earlier you are in the process regardless of whether or not they are rolling. I think they ID certain kids right away and the rest are competing for a dwindling number of spots.

Just like the real world. There’s plenty of room for all the super talented, highly motivated kids.

Here’s to making the world a better place with their art!!!


@moosegirlemy2 My daughter doesn’t do the info session until this week but she’s heard from others who already attended that USC MT results will go out 1/29 and Acting is the first week of Feb.

Just wanted to thank you all for your openness on this board, it has been super helpful as a first timer. Just curious if kids are encouraged to change up their repertoire for the live auditions, versus using pre screen material.

Yes, she is certainly one of the best. I just don’t know how they don’t get burnt out. Their recruitment responsibilities seem enormous yet the programs have to remain small for them to be valuable. I’m surprised the audition fees aren’t higher.

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@rickle1 agreed 100% could not have said it better.

Hello all. Chiming in here for the first time after reading many of your comments. It is wonderful hearing about your experiences and learning from those who have been through it from start to finish.

My D has applied to 13 schools. Auditioning over the next 2 months at OU, Point Park, Penn State, Rider, IWU, Viterbo, UWSP, Ithaca. No on prescreens from CCM, Hartt, Elon. Accepted to MT at ACU and Belmont.

To the veterans…when did you start getting decisions? I noticed many of the schools are done auditioning by Feb 20 or significantly earlier. Do you think that will mean answers within a couple of weeks of the last audition date?

Do schools ask for decisions before the May 1 deadline (when you didn’t apply early decision). How do you handle that if it happens?

Check this thread from last year on timing of acceptance communications. It will be a while.

How long did it take for you to hear from Belmont? Applied back in November and still haven’t heard

You can click on the link, above. You may get an academic decision earlier but artistic, for Belmont (posted Feb 20 last year) “some yes and no notifications already rolling. Everyone should know March 1st via snail mail” Thinking good thoughts for you!