Presidental Elite Scholarship

How many students get the Presidental Elite Scholarship?

The Presidential Elite scholarship (8 semesters of tuition, 1 year housing, $1,000 per year stipend, $2,000 for books and $2,000 for study abroad or summer research) is an automatic award and goes to every student, in-state or OOS, that has that 36 ACT or 1600 SAT and a 4.0 GPA. My son was awarded that scholarship (for a 36 ACT) prior to being named a National Merit Finalist and being awarded that scholarship instead, so I have first-hand experience with that scholarship–he received an award letter and everything. If you are asking how many qualified to receive the Presidential Elite, rather than whether the number of scholarships is limited, I don’t have that info.

I’m wondering though, if you are asking about the Academic Elite scholarships, since those are limited in number. Only the students selected for the University Fellows Experience are even eligible, and there are 7 general Academic Elite scholarships, and only 1 “top Academic Elite” scholarship. Info on the Academic Elite scholarship is here:

My son is a freshman at UA this year–if you have other questions feel free to ask!

Thanks for your help and congrats to your son :smiley:

My DD got her Presidential elite scholarship letter today.

Wow congrats!

Hello, are international students awarded the presidential elite scholarship?

@Shan00 Your best answer for how scholarships work for international students is going to be the school itself, as most of us here don’t have knowledge about that. Go to and there is a “contact us” at the bottom of the page where you can ask an individual question and they’ll get back to you. That way you also have an official answer.

Good luck!

Are you a current senior in high school?

What are your test scores (not super scores) and GPA?

So my DS has 36 on ACT. 4.0 in core curriculum but got a B in Honors physics last year. Bringing his overall to 3.95. Some schools that we have dealt with take his 4.0 in core curriculum for scholarship consideration. He is planning on applying while the free application is open. Just wondering if he will still be in consideration for presidential elite.