Presidential Scholarship

<p>My daughter has applied and been accepted at U of Alabama. She qualifies for the presidential scholarship. We got the acceptance papers on Nov the 30th. Recently while attempting to apply for this scholarship she finds that you have to apply; by Dec 1. Of course she was very upset that she missed the deadline. My question is: Is there any way she can still apply. Alabama seems to have recruited her very heavly and not once did it ever come up in communnication about this deadline being so early. Nothing in the paperwork that was sent did they mention the early deadline. Then to have only one day between acceptance and the deadline is very disheartning. Maybe I am just angery and there is no recourse but hoping someone might have some good news</p>

<p>They had extended the scholarship application deadline to December 4th so that those accepted late would have a chance to apply. I would definitely inquire by calling your regional representative…but just to warn you, I have a lot of friends who would have also qualified but because they applied late, they still were not able to receive the scholarship even after speaking with Admissions. I would suggest applying for the other scholarships for UA that do not have Dec-1 deadlines.</p>

<p>I would definitely call UA. Since your D qualifies for the presidential scholarship, she has a good chance of still getting the scholarship. Note however that official notification of the finalized. UA really wants your D to attend.</p>

<p>for reference, the D of another poster decided to apply to UA in April of her senior year and still got the NMSF scholarship she qualified for.</p>

<p>I would also encourage you to contact Dr. Shane Sharpe, Dean of the Honors College and discuss your D’s situation. If you haven’t done so already, I highly recommend visiting campus.</p>

<p>Also what state are you from and what your D’s intended major?</p>

<p>Is the scholarship application still up? If so, quickly submit it (did your D ever set up her mybama acct?). Then send a quick note to the director of scholarships explaining the situation and how you didn’t realize a separate scholarship app was supposed to be submitted. Since you did apply to the school before the Dec 1st date, I think you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Since your D qualifies for the presidential…I think she’ll get it.</p>

<p>I think this will work out…Let me know what happens. I have a few more ideas.</p>

<p>To complete the scholarship application, go to myBama, log in, click the Academics tab, and select the Application for Scholarships link in the Admissions box.</p>

<p>Also…send a note to these two people…</p>

<p>Mary Spiegel Director of Admission ( State the situation to Mary. Ask who you need to contact since it doesn’t look like Bama has named a Director of Scholarships replacement (it was Carolyn Rogers who now has another position)</p>

<p>Lindsay Hutcherson [Undergraduate</a> Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Undergraduate”> Asst Director of Scholarships (Tell Lindsay your situation. Make sure you mention that you applied and were accepted before Dec 1st, but didn’t know about the separate scholarship application. )</p>

<p>In all communications, include CWID # and give your child’s stats. (GPA and test scores)</p>

<p>* Then to have only one day between acceptance and the deadline is very disheartning. *</p>

<p>Part of the confusion was that you don’t have to wait to be accepted to apply for the scholarships. You apply for the scholarships about 2-3 days after applying to the school. That was part of the miscommunication. Anyway…I really think this will work out. </p>

<p>Be sure to mention that on any recruitment things that you received that no date was stated.</p>

<p>Hello woolif. If you could please contact our Assistant Director of Scholarships, Lindsay Hutcherson, at (205) 348-8194, she can help you further with this situation. You can also contact her online at [Undergraduate</a> Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Undergraduate”></p>