Lots of folks out there praying that the requirements stay the same! We’ll soon find out.
I’m anxiously awaiting the new scholarship guidelines. Anybody heard any scuttlebutt?
Nada. Tomorrow is officially “mid-July” which is when some were told to expect more info. We’ll see.
Just called and spoke with Scholarship office. They said that the new numbers were sent yesterday to IT, and they are waiting on them to post. They had hoped for today, but don’t really know when it will be up. Some of the lower level scholarships might have changes. Said Presidential will stay the same. They will publish new SAT numbers as well. I got the impression they are doing their own concordance. He mentioned their are multiple conversions, and it is not exact yet, and they would publish their requirements…He was a little vague. I was most concerned that the current level for presidential would not change. I got the thumbs up on that. Hope that helps
Thanks for the info. Happy that the Presidential stays the same. Hope the changes for the other levels are not too different.
@BigPapiofthree Awesome news! Thanks for doing the legwork!
Interesting and confusing at the same time! I just called a few minutes ago about in state presidential requirements for 2017-2018 and was told that they haven’t been finalized and would be posted by August 1!
I first spoke to asst. She did not know. She put me on the phone with a Scholarship officer. He filled me in…He looked at numbers, did not share them, said they were sent to IT for web site. Confirmed twice that presidential numbers for ACT and Old SAT would remain. I Don’t know cutoff for new SAT… hope that helps a bit
^ Did you ask if the GPA was still 3.5?
Was presidential ACT requirement staying same for out of state, in state or both?
I was told today by someone in the engineering department that the new SAT cutoff for their $2500 scholarship would be 1390. She didn’t have (or share) an official word on the revised Presidential requirements but expected that to be online very soon.
I thought UA was discontinuing the $2500 engineering scholarship…?
No, I believe that what the engineering department has discontinued is the supplement of 1/3 tuition for those who had the UA Scholar level scholarship. The supplement had brought that scholarship up to full tuition.
It sounds like they are just adjusting the New SAT score for the engineering. I believe they used to need a 1330 SAT and looking at the concordance table is a 1390 on the New SAT.
@NerdMom88 The only thing eng’g is discontinuing is the 1/3 tuition supplement for ACT 30-31.
Likely, it was causing more harm than good, not to mention, very expensive for the COE.
There were students who weren’t well-suited for Eng’g or CS who were choosing that route just to get that extra 1/3. Then they’d either lose their merit completely (GPA issues) or need to change majors and lose that 1/3, and that was causing issues for families, students, and the school.
Thanks much for the update. Did you get the impression or were you told the oos presidential will also stay the same? I assume you’re referring to the oos presidential not changing.
@mom2collegekids - That makes sense to me. Even though DS17 has a 32 there is no way that he is well-suited for Engineering… test scores can’t show you everything.
I was not told about the GPA specifically by the admin. He just said that the old stats would remain at the presidential level, and a number would be posted for the new SAT. He did say that some lower level scholarships would be adjusted. No specifics as to which ones or by how much…
- That makes sense to me. Even though DS17 has a 32 there is no way that he is well-suited for Engineering... test scores can't show you everything <<<
Right…and if your son starts in Eng’g at Bama and finds that it doesn’t suit him (like my older son found), since your son will have the Presidential, he can freely change his major w/o loss of tuition money…he will only lose the 2500/yr. My older son changed to Math, and because he had the NMF award, he didn’t lose his tuition award.
He did say that some lower level scholarships would be adjusted.
I hope that ACT 28 is given a larger award for OOS.