Pressing Question

<p>When your UW application status changes from "we are currently reviewing your file to ensure that you submit a complete application. Upon submission of required materials, we will send your application to one of our admissions counselors for review" to "your application is currently being reviewed by one of our admissions counselors; during the review we may request additional materials. You will be informed by email when a decision has been made" what is the range of time expected before you receive said email? Thanks.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, you can’t make any conclusions from this status. It could range from days to many, many months.</p>

<p>That’s a bummer. Thanks. Just wanted that cleared up cuz I didn’t know if I would be checking my inbox every ten minutes or just relax. Now, I can relax and wait.</p>

<p>Agreed – my son waited about 6-8 weeks from the time of that status update to his admission decision. As tempting as it can be, try to limit yourself to maybe 2 times a week that you check. I think there is also an email sent to you once the decision is up on your account so you will know if there is a decision even if you haven’t checked in a couple days. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks. I’m sure of the range now.</p>