Preview weekend

<p>We are planning to drive in on Saturday for the a.m. registration. Are there any events (or any other reason) for us to come in to register on Friday and spend the night? Thanks!</p>

<p>We are having a CC social after the early registration Friday night so our girls and us adults can meet… But we will probably have another on Saturday as well.</p>

<p>Will post details next week.</p>

<p>There are several threads on Preview you might want to review…</p>

<p>Great! I’ll look for the threads and make plans to come out on Friday! Thanks!</p>

<p>Can’t wait to meet everybody!!!</p>

<p>Looks like I might actually be in Tuscaloosa for this great event! DD wants me to come for a visit. She has no classes Thursday or Friday :).</p>

<p>^^^^ Wondering if we could get ahpimommy to give us a short informal “how to” of sorts information meeting on Friday night before our CC social? Tips and tidbits for the PNM’s to hear from someone “in the know” and know it is not all “just mom” telling them what to do and not do. Thinking we would all gladly cover ahpimommy’s and DD’s tab for the evening. :)</p>

<p>Ohhhhhh, great idea! </p>

<p>I will get on that right away.</p>

<p>Let me make sure I’m going to be there but yes…I would be happy to meet with you all. DD has a fraternity function (Farmagedon) at the Lambda Chi house so I will be free. I will keep y’all posted. I am thinking of coming in on Wednesday and leaving Monday.</p>

<p>OOHH!! Can’t Wait!!!</p>

<p>Fabulous! So, TXArchitect is the Social Chair and will tell us when and where? :)</p>

<p>Yep. </p>

<p>Ahpimommy is Directing, and we will have a location decided soon.</p>

<p>Generally, I think TWO EVENTS ARE CALLED FOR:</p>

<p>1.) Friday night, right after the early registration, parents and PNMs will meet up ( somewhere) andI will have name tags for all of us. We can briefly introduce ourselves. Check out the latest SororityGirl101 for how to have a memorable “hook” - you too Moms!</p>

<p>Then Ahpimommy will chat with us about Saturdays’s activities and give us some valuable coaching. And at UA we know the value of great coaching, correct? Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>The girls can mingle and get to know each other, adults can too.</p>

<p>If you are interested in the Saturday nite activity, you can tell me then, or before.</p>

<p>2.). Saturday, after the PNMs have completed their ice water teas, and the adults have completed their program, I thought it would be good to have dinner together informally…we can select a restaurant at which to meet. We can try to merge all the sorority info (including financial obligations) to make a master info sheet.</p>

<p>I am wondering if the girls wouldn’t prefer to eat with each other on The Strip, while we adults eat elsewhere. Please poll your daughters for their input.</p>

<p>Let me know what you think.</p>

<p>This is the best Forum ever! Information and a party! What could be better? ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>One thing I was thinking about doing while the girls did their activities, because we know our program will not last that long, is to go by the trunk and check out the Bid Day packages, and go ahead and put in an order. I looked at them online, but I think I’d like to personalize hers a little, and it is so much easier to do in person. I know it’s early, but they do say that they make and deliver them to the houses in the order they got the orders. I figure that if I order it in February, HA!, she will for sure get it that day.</p>

<p>I may stray to the wild side ( not for the first time) and wait until March for The Trunk order, but a visit is DEFINATELY in order. great idea.</p>

<p>I would say go visit the Trunk but I am not sure they will accept Bid Day Basket orders. In the past they have had a booth at Preview but a visit to the actual store is fun!!! MSUBAMAmom is right they are made and delivered in the order in which they are ordered. That being said if you are going to Bama Bound early then you are ok to order then as well. I wouldn’t be Bid Day with out the Trunk golf carts buzzing up and down sorority row.</p>

<p>DD2 and I are excited to meet all the great CC parents and daughters!</p>

<p>I ordered D’s basket at Bama bound at the end of May and I was the first one they told me! i had friends order for my D much much later and she still got them on bid dayl. Just make sure you keep track of what you bought. Some things get doubled and some things are missing, which is understandable with the huge amount of volume going through their store. The Trunk was amazingly helpful and trusting about these small issues. So much fun for our daughters!</p>

<p>These plans sound really fun, and it would be awesome to meet with everyone! Around what time would the Friday get together be? We would be driving in, so we might get to Tuscaloosa later on in the evening. Also, how unusual would it be to have only my dad come with me? My mom really wanted to attend, but she can’t get the time off work. :)</p>

I believe Friday’s get together will be right after the Preview Check-in, but our social chair (TXArchitect) will know for sure! Of course Dads are welcome,too, I’m pretty sure there will be at least one other dad coming to the get-together.</p>