<p>Do the alternate college you choose read the essay you wrote for your primary?
Im doing CALS and Arts and Sciences</p>
<p>my essays are different but my intended majors all involve bio</p>
<p>Do the alternate college you choose read the essay you wrote for your primary?
Im doing CALS and Arts and Sciences</p>
<p>my essays are different but my intended majors all involve bio</p>
<p>i wish people would take 10 seconds to perform a simple search on Cornell and its policy on primary/secondary schools. no one does - and the answer to this oft-asked question multiple times is repeated over and over and over again.</p>
<p>your answer (once more) is no. your alternate college does NOT read the essay you wrote for your primary, and vice versa.</p>
<p>yeah they shouldnt because i wrote a very similar essay for both. I knew the second choice school knows they are your alternate but does your primary know if you are putting an alternate?</p>
<p>Actually, that may or may not be true.</p>
<p><a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/downloads/PrimaryAlternateAdmission.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/downloads/PrimaryAlternateAdmission.pdf</a></p>
<p>“Will my essays for both my primary and alternate choice colleges be read by both colleges?
It is possible that both colleges will review your primary and alternate choice college essays.”</p>
<p>wow thats bad i sent a very similar essay</p>
<p>I did also GossipGirl.</p>
<p>I wrote my Undecided Environmental CALS essay first and used basically the same thing for Undecided CAS. </p>
<p>Oh well. What’s done is done.</p>
<p>…thanks for the responses guys!!!</p>
<p>interesting how the admissions statements says that only “exceptional” candidates for the alternate are considered. So basically you already have like a mark going into the alternate school if you dont make the primary?</p>
<p>It’s only in very rare situations that your application is even forwarded to your secondary school. Hence, only “exceptional” cases are considered.</p>
<p>Well, you have to display that you are a good candidate for two different colleges… which wouldn’t be too hard if you are doing CALS and CAS, but still. Hence, very few actually gets accepted to their alternative colleges, i’ve heard.</p>
<p>“Will my essays for both my primary and alternate choice colleges be read by both colleges?
It is possible that both colleges will review your primary and alternate choice college essays.”</p>
<p>but keep in mind how many apps these adcoms are going to get. are they really going to take the extra time needed to read TWO essays when they only have to read ONE? don’t worry that much. if you get in, you’ll get in. there’s nothing you can do about it at this point. when i did my primary/secondary, i wrote the same exact essay, except i replaced the names of the colleges. my intended majors were REALLY similar (or at least what i intended to do in the future and how any of cornell’s resources could have helped me were really similar, if not identical.)</p>