<p>I used the practice tests in the Princeton review book and i found the math really hard-- much harder than the questions from the kaplan purple book. The scores from the kaplan book were almost exactly what I got on the real SAT. Did anyone else experience the same thing?</p>
<p>i’d recommend using commercial prep books for lessons and techniques only! some of the practice tests in those books are purposely ridiculous to scare you into needing more help. it’s better to rely on the College Board’s <em>Official SAT Study Guide</em> for your practice tests. Those are made by the test makers and they’ll be more like the real deal.</p>
<p>I unfortunately used all the practice tests in the official sat study guide lol</p>
<p>I am doing one from college board now tho (printed it out from the internet)</p>
<p>I actually think that the tests that are tougher than the actual thing provide for some of the best practice out there. You will be “over-prepped” and in turn, achieve a higher score than the scores that the tough tests predict. Just don’t allow these tests to lower your confidence, and I think you’ll be fine. </p>
<p>Also, there’s really no point in retaking practice tests that you’ve already done. It’s just not the same as taking a “fresh” test, and could definitely impact your scores. So, if you’re out of tests, I highly recommend the PR book.</p>
<p>The pr book was discouraging i have to say</p>
<p>i wanted realistic scores too so i know what id actually get
I found the “College board” practice sat relatively easy actually</p>
<p>What do you think about the critical reading in the practice tests of the PR book? I keep getting around a 680 and I truly want a 750, but I’d settle for a 700+.</p>
<p>I agree, use the Blue Book.</p>
<p>But, from personal experience, I feel that PR does a relatively good job imitating the SATs.</p>