Princeton University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Most won’t post about being denied.


More on the Reddit forum are stating denial. But, I agree that deferrals are more common.

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What does it mean to be deferred? My son got deferred although he is strong in pretty much everything (GPA, SAT, ECs and service to the community). I am trying to figure out what other colleges he applies in the regular admission as well by estimating where he stands in his profile. Thanks

It means they have not made a decision of acceptance or denial during the Early Action period and have ‘deferred’ his application to the Regular Decision period and you’ll hear the final verdict end of March 2023.

Thanks! The link is helpful. Does the letter of deferral ask for mid-year grades? I am deferred, and asked to provide the grades when there are available (I do not have 1st-quarter grades for my senior year.)


I know the literal meaning of it. I guess I was asking what the chance is for my son to get accepted. Thanks!


Its the equivalent for our country (Costa Rica). Being a small country its easier to medal than it is for USAMO. S21 was really into the math competitions and was an IMO alternate. S23 wasnt as intense with competitions: he was happy to get medals but competing in IMO was not one of his goals.

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FWIW, my nephew was deferred and then eventually waitlisted in the March/April window. He eventually got in off the waitlist in June (after accepting a spot elsewhere). So there’s still hope ven if the odds are long.


Well I can surmise 2 reasons for a deferral:

1 - They believe you can socially and academically make it at Princeton but where they see you fit in is already crowded so they wait to see if they want more of your type

2 - They may have concerns of your academic record for whatever reason and are waiting to see further evidence to confirm.


As you may know, Princeton no longer releases admission statistics for SCEA, but I’ve seen this year’s numbers for my region (I do alumni interviews) and the number of deferments was a good deal smaller than the number of denials. (It wasn’t too long ago that the reverse was true.) I’m intentionally not providing any stats, not only out of respect for Princeton’s preferences but because my region is not necessarily representative of the full applicant pool.

Also, I should remind deferrees that although each spring Princeton does accept a bunch of students who had been deferred in SCEA – so don’t give up hope! – the reality is that most deferred students will not be accepted, so please be sure to apply to suitable affordable alternatives if you haven’t already done so. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing this - helps to have even a little bit of info on this process.


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Long time interviewer here. I could not interview this year because I have a kid who applied. I heard from other alums who run the local interviewing in my very populated region that Princeton rejections were way up this year - similar to Yale apparently. Many fewer deferrals.

My own kid was outright rejected as well.


Very helpful to know. It did seem like there were more rejections than usual. Sorry to hear your child was rejected. Legacy works mostly like a tie-breaker. Years ago, a Stanford alum wrote this great article, and it discusses what alum feel like when their kid doesn’t get in to the school they loved so much. It’s a good read: What It Takes | STANFORD magazine


Thanks for sharing that information. It is helpful to know because a lot of students rejected think they are in a tiny pool. But apparently not this year.


Same here. Legacy through his dad and 1590 SAT, 11 AP’s, very competitive magnet high school (normally sends 7 to 15 kids to Princeton each year), many unique EC including a startup with employees, sibling at Princeton currently! Straight up reject!


Wow. I’m speechless. I’m at peace with it (mostly). The kid is fine. The few he knows who got in locally this year all all recruited athletes.


It is a really hard admit, even for legacy-more than 75% of legacy applications are rejected. There are lots of great schools out there.


Just curious - what State are you in?

Son also admitted as a recruited athlete. Likely letter in October, coaches visited in December. Non ranking college prep private school in Texas, only kid from his high school to be admitted. State ranked athlete, many volunteer hours in young mens service league and good enough grades and scores. This is a dream for him!
Good luck everyone!