Priority Class of 2016! Who is nervous?

<p>January 31st is fast approaching. Am I the only one getting a little fidgety? I wasn't too excited about hearing from them, but after I visited the campus, I can't wait!! Anyone else nervous?</p>

<p>Anyone else NOT nervous? lol.</p>

<p>I think that if someone wants this, they’d be nervous. I can’t go out on a run without thinking about whether I’ll be accepted or not.</p>

<p>I’m instate with above average stats so I’m not nervous. More nervous about UVA or UNC.</p>

<p>After clicking submit, i was really confident. Stats were good, essays good. But after visiting the campus(which I loved), i started getting nervous for a strange reason. Hopefully January flies by.</p>

<p>I am!!! I wanna get in so badly!!</p>

<p>I’m really nervous! I’m an out of state student from Florida, and the only way I can go to University of Maryland is if I can get a scholarship from them. I’ve never seen the campus, but i’ve been to DC before and fell in love with the area.</p>

<p>hey guys…is the Priority Admissions Notification Date January 31st? Thanks.</p>

<p>I’ve been so nervous ever since I visited! It’s so beautiful and the only place I really want to go.</p>

<p>@golf0114ski That’s just the estimated date, but I’m pretty sure that was the notification date last year, and it probably will be this year too.</p>

<p>do you guys know if we find out online or in the mail?</p>

<p>I am so nervous! I’m fairly sure I’ll get in with my ACT score, but you never know. If I don’t get in, I’ll be devastated. I visited in April and absolutely fell in love.</p>

<p>I am… If I got in, words wouldn’t describe how I’d feel.</p>

<p>Jeez! Just reading through this thread makes my heart race… haha.</p>

<p>I feel like I have a good shot but I’m still really nervous. I guess you never know with colleges… and it’s this uncertainty that’s driving me crazy.</p>

<p>Do you guys want to share some stats? ill start</p>

<p>NY male Public hs</p>

<p>Gpa 90/94 UW/W
SAT 2010 590/750/670 cr/m/w
SAT II Math I 670 US Hist. 710
Essay: Feel like it was very strong, had several teachers edit it with me.
Recs: Great saw some of them.
Extra’s: WSI/LG Coach, lots of CS, jewish stuff
Interest: Comp Sci/ Finance
Visited campus+ lots of admission contact
Applied really early</p>

<p>hoping maybe honors college :)</p>

<p>how are you “mathmaster” with a only a 750 and 670?</p>

<p>Just got a likely letter in the mail. :D</p>

<p>What is a likely letter?</p>

<p>i just did a random name, and i am a math tutor… not a big deal dont mean to sound cocky but didnt want to use my name</p>

<p>Anyone know usual stats it takes to get in honors college</p>

<p>golf0114ski - this link explains them</p>

<p>[What</a> are “Likely Letters” Like? - Ask The Dean](<a href=“]What”></p>