private dorms

<p>i have been hearing different things about the private residence halls. does anyone have anything good to say about them or are they really not good?</p>

<p>A lot of people really like them. It's important to know that they're currently changing ownership, so that may or may not affect your decision. The location isn't all that great but there are some perks. The Langdon and Highlander are crazy parties. You don't have to abide by University rules so there are some crazy parties there. The Towers is right on State Street, which is pretty nice. The Regent is ridiculously quiet but has free continental breakfast. The dorms are also open at times when the University dorms aren't. Some are more apartment-style which is why UW is building new dorms to compete for that crowd.</p>

<p>do you know anyone who lives in or lived in towers because i think thats the one i'd stay in. All the information and pictures that i have seen have seemed really nice but ive also heard a lot of bad things about it (saying that only "jappy" east coast people live there who party all the time). Is it true that the people who live in the dorms have trouble if they are not into getting drunk every second?</p>

<p>That's certainly the general impression of the Towers, but remember there are always exceptions to rules. It's not as big of a party dorm as Langdon or Highlander but it's probably on par with the southeast dorms. Nice location, though as well as some pretty nice dorms.</p>

<p>thanks a lot for all of your advice. it is really helpful.</p>

<p>No problem. Any other questions don't hesitate.</p>

<p>Glad to hear Brown is selling out. Maybe the UW can build more dorms now without his political interference.</p>

<p>All the new UW dorms are aimed directly at taking over the market the private dorms had. Should be interesting.</p>

<p>My idea was for the UW to buy him out. With their low cost access to capital they should be able to pay top dollar and still break even. Kills two birds with one stone.</p>

<p>by the way, why is regent's so cheap? $454... and thats for a single room... very suspicious... hmmm lol</p>

<p>It's probably the least desireable of all the private dorms. </p>

<p>It's more out of the way (not to say that's a bad thing. I lived over there for two years and really enjoyed it. Right on buslines, close to the engineering side of campus, lots of little shops and restraunts within a few blocks) compared to the stuff on the State Street side. </p>

<p>The Regent is typically known for having more international students as well as more of the 'serious' student type. Not to say other places won't have that type of student or that kids looking to go out and party 2-3 nights/week don't also live there.</p>

<p>Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure the other private dorms have a lot more amenities on site to use, too.</p>

<p>It's certainly a reasonable option for freshman living but it's definitely not the langdon, towers, highlander, ect...</p>

<p>for the record, the highlander is DEFINITELY not a party dorm, atleast now it isnt. i should know, i live here :D</p>

<p>also, the highlander has a high percentage of students who attend the technical college down the street, not UW, so cliques form right away. overall not a good place for anyone but people with established friends etc to live (im a transfer student and at places like this, everyone already hsa their group of friends, thats why wisconsin typically fails miserably at transfer student welfare)</p>

<p>tsiguy96- Res Halls has a house/dorm floor for transfers- on lakeshore...</p>

<p>im choosing between Towers/Highlander and Uni dorms atm...
the price is approximatelly the same, but obviously the pics of private dorms look much more applealing lol.. but im worried that its not as fun in private dorms...
anyone can give me any advice?
thanx in advance :)</p>

<p>Hi, can anyone post a link where listings are for these private dorms, because I missed the housing deadline, thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Link to the big five</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You mentioned some of the other private dorms. Is Statesider known as being a party dorm as well? I have heard that it is a little more laid back of a crowd than the Towers.</p>

<p>Old rumor is that Towers is more Chicago/NY kids while Statesider is more other wealthy kids from Cali, and other states.</p>