Private Langdon St. dorm to close

<p>business:</a> Private Langdon dormitory to close</p>

<p>The use of politics by Brown to kill the needed UW dorm project was disgusting. Here's to more Democrats winning ther next state elections.</p>

<p>I do not understand why the University had to reject 531 students from the dorms cause they are out of space, yet Brown closes his Langdon dorms cause they are not needed..... Is this a push to put students in his empty apartments? He should sell that building on Langdon to the UW. Also wasn't Brown the one that said we have a surplus of housing on campus and that no more apartments should be created? So why build Lucky? I feel that building is going to ruin housing. Why do college students need luxury housing? Lets get realistic and stick to the basics!</p>

<p>Unfortunately he's just a typical businessman using the system to his own benefit. It's up to the UW to fight back. I could see them using WARF to build a dorm privately and giving it to the University. That would be a creative endrun. Of course some people might get ****ed.</p>