Process for Selection of UFE and CBH?

My D has been accepted to Honors with the Presidential Scholarship from OOS. She has applied to both UFE and CBH. We are wondering if anyone could share with us the process for selection of these elite programs. Things we are interested in knowing:

  1. Is there an interview weekend for each? Anyone know when it is?
  2. Any idea how many students are invited to each weekend?
  3. Is it common that students apply to both? And interview for both if selected?
  4. How are students notified that they are selected to interview? Or attend a UFE or CBH weekend event? And the timing?

It seems to me that the UFE and CBH websites are somewhat silent on the actual selection process and timing.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

Interview weekend is the same weekend…about the 3rd weekend in Feb.

UFE interviews on Fri and Sat…and CBH is Sun and Mon

I think UFE still does a phone interview first, and then does further down-selection. I don’t know how many UFE invites to campus…maybe 50?

CBH usually invites about 60 to campus.

some kids apply to both.

some interview for both…stay all 4 days.

I think UFE tells who they will bring to campus late Jan
I think CBH tells who they will bring to campus very late Jan…sometimes Feb 1.

Notification is by email.

How many people usually get into UFE? Does it vary?

~60 invited to UFE weekend.
~25-30 selected for membership.

I think that although your questions have been answered, there has been a lot of discussion about these two programs on this forum. Do a search and see if you can locate these threads. Afterwards, you may have other questions…

Bear in mind that these are two highly competative programs and they only take a very small amount of students each fall. Many, many highly qualified applicants will not be selected. However, we have heard back from candidates who are glad they weren’t selected because they have became involved in another type of program which they love.

Also know that these programs have an academic component that does take up credits and space in the student’s schedule. In particular, CBH is a minor. So the student will be taking classes all through years 1 to 3 inclusive. Plus in CBH, there are presentations and projects that are required in addition to the research component.

Please do not let your student’s decision rest solely on getting into either of these two programs. UA has many opportunities (some of which weren’t even available a few years back). If anything the opportunities seems to grow each year.

swim4school Having been given the information about the process of UFE and CBH, here is a link to a great post by a student who chose UA and CBH over “elite” schools. This students story is very similar to my son’s. It is post #140 of the following link.