Prom Diets

<p>How are you getting in shape for prom?? Any suggestions??</p>

<p>I didn’t. I lost weight right after <yea somewhat=“” bad=“” timing=“” i=“” know=“”></yea></p>

<p>weight doesn’t matter when everyone has beer goggles on after. work out your ability to function decently while drunk is the best way to go</p>

This info is from my nutritionist</p>

<p>Depending on the person, the best way to lose weight quickly is to </p>

<p>-Stop eating fatty foods/ junk foods
-Keep under the 2,000 calorie limit
-Don’t take unnecessary Carbs (such as too much bread, too much pasta, etc)
-Eat small portion foods
-Increase Veggies and Fruits, reduce meats but keep them in your diet
-Do 30 minutes daily of light aerobic exercise (running, weight lifts, swimming, push-ups)
-Reduce processed foods, take natural foods.
-No soft drinks, water and juice is the way to go.</p>

<p>Simple as “Eat Well, sleep well and do exercise”
It works for me, I lost 5lbs in a week by just cutting all my “coke drinking” and junk food.</p>

<p>^ maybe you lost weight that fast b/c you were a guy? I know I was down to eating only raw veggies & running 1 mi plus swimming for >30min each day at one point and still plateaued at overweight</p>

<p>^ maybe you have thyroid issues.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention</p>

<p>If you can go visit your doctor and request to run metabolism lab tests and other exams to see if you have genetic and/or metabolic issues with your metabolism.</p>

<p>I know a few people who have a really hard time losing weight because of Thyroid issues.</p>

<p>Don’t you know Outdoor Track is to get in shape for prom?</p>

<p>haikumarukuchan, i kind of doubt it’s because of thyroid issues just because I don’t have any other symptoms… I think basically it’s just normal plateauing. You might’ve never experienced it, but lots of people hit a plateau eventually in weight loss.</p>

<p>although I gotta wonder: do you still count as fat if BMI says you’re quite overweight, but some people you know in real life will ask you if you are actually considered overweight since you look sorta normal?</p>



<p>yesssss. outdoor track haha. after the first practice i woke up the next morning and couldn’t move. but it feels good to get back in shape. when is everyone’s prom? mines like the second weekend of may. i think…</p>


<p>I’m sorry to hear that, as I said, it’s all based on the person’s body.</p>

<p>If BMI says you’re overweight what it means is that you’re in the risk of developing obesity, the aim of the diet plan is to make sure you go back to the normal range, even if you look “overweight” as long as you’re within the BMI and under an 85CM waist line then you’re alright.</p>

<p>^ what if you are overweight but you don’t look it? =P</p>

<p>does it just mean you have big bones/boobs/muscles/etc?</p>

<p>haha yeah our track coach specifically said at the first day of conditioning that this was NOT the time to start any prom diets bc we would need all the energy we get from our food. he was def right. i thought i was going to die lol. thankfully its gotten A LOT easier since then and i am already lookin skinnier. heck yea :P</p>

<p>Why go through all this effort for a single night that’s supposed to be fun? Exercising/getting into shape should be a year round thing and there’s no point in dieting for one day when you’re just gonna get out of shape again.</p>

<p>mcb-by just eating raw veggies for an entire month [how is that possible?] u were starving your body of calories, & thus your metabolism slowed. totally not the way to go. just decreasing by a few hundred calories should work great.
but since i hate exercise, this totally doesn’t happen for me, lol.</p>

<p>^ nah, decreasing by a few hundred calories does nothing for me…</p>

<p>I’ve found that no matter what/how much I eat, my weight always stays within a 10lb range. It’s both a blessing and a curse</p>

<p>jamesford is totally right.</p>

<p>Prom diet is kind of fusing with the all-around get in better shape for college diet and exercise plan. I do want to look good for all the new people I’m going to meet next year!</p>

<p>beware the ides of march freshman 15</p>

<p>HAHAHA. Best thread ever. Join group exercise classes like I am. And stop eating cookies…</p>

<p>^ Wow, really?</p>

<p>Yeah, probably just big complexity!</p>