Pros & Cons vs University of Florida

<p>Here’s info regarding to the various religious organization’s on UA’s campus. The Baptists and Methodists both seem to be well represented! :)</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@3boystogo In re-reviewing that particular document, I believe you’re right and I stand corrected. It does clearly state National Merit Scholar, not Finalist</p>

I wonder if that policy is going to get tweaked. Often kids don’t find out that they are a scholar until quite late unless they have chosen a NM Corp sponsor school. I can’t remember when we were notified that our son was a Corporate award recipient, but I think it was rather late. If the goal is to prevent brain-drain, I don’t think this policy is the way to go without a tweak.</p>

<p>@ Florida’s NMSFs, write to your senators/governor and request that the FIS (Florida Incentive Scholarship) be changed to include Florida’s NMF for this scholarship instead of just NM winners.</p>

<p>Here is the Committee on Education: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Apparently, the wording (requirements) for the Florida Incentive Scholarship Program has changed …no longer a “Scholar” requirement, but a “Finalist” will do?</p>

<p>“The Florida Incentive Scholarship Program is a merit scholarship for 2013-14 Florida high school graduates and later who achieved the National Merit® or National Achievement® Finalist designation. The scholarship award is equal to the per term cost of institutional attendance minus the sum of Bright Futures and the award associated with the National Merit/Achievement® process”
"Have received:
o (a) a National Merit® $2500 Scholarship,
o (b) a National Achievement® $2500 Scholarship,
o © a Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship®,
o (d) a College-sponsored Merit Scholarship®, or
o (e) an institutional scholarship of at least $500 annually, or the equivalent each term, awarded specifically to a 2014 National Merit® Finalist who has not received one of the other four scholarships.</p>

<p>I guess enough complaints were registered to facilitate a change.</p>

lol…more likely, the people who wrote up the original req’t didn’t know what they were stating. Probably though Scholar and Finalist were the same thing. </p>

<p>^^lol That wouldn’t surprise me either…or they wanted to look like they did something good (but not really have to spend too much money on the program)…anyway, maybe a game changer for some folks…we still like Alabama the best, accepted to Honors College, NMF Scholarship (Most Likely) and all the other great things that are Alabama. People that want to stay in-state might think differently now though.</p>

<p>I picked Bama </p>

<p>Well played sir…well played</p>

<p>@Phillyy15‌ </p>


<p>And I live in FL lol</p>

<p>Nice choice.</p>

<p>I personally find the University of Alabama to have a lot more diverse of a student body since most students at UF come from Florida while Alabama has students from all over. Both schools offer great med programs, but talking to some friends at UF I get the impression that the freshman professors at UA honors are much better than just the general freshmen professors at UF. Ultimately I feel like going to UA was one of the best decisions of my life and I’m sure that if your student has the stats to be a successful premed student then there should be no problem receiving enough $ to make going to UA feasible. Too many people buy into the whole Princeton Review rankings system when in reality, a student is going to get into an undergraduate degree whatever he or she puts into it, regardless of whichever institution the degree was earned at. A student should go wherever they think they will be in the best position to succeed. </p>

<p>@BocaTerp‌, </p>

<p>The FIS requirements have not changed. Only NM Winners will be eligible. The issue is the part of the FIS that reads: </p>

<p>“Have received:
o (a) a National Merit® $2500 Scholarship,
o (b) a National Achievement® $2500 Scholarship,
o © a Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship®,
o (d) a College-sponsored Merit Scholarship®, or
o (e) an institutional scholarship of at least $500 annually, or the equivalent each term, awarded specifically to a 2014 National Merit® Finalist who has not received one of the other four scholarships.”</p>

<p>Only Finalists that “have received” money from the a) NMSC, b) Corporation, or the c) College will be eligible. By definition, that is a NM Winner. Finalists that do not receive scholarship money from one of those 3 entities will not be eligible for FIS. </p>

<p>And by the way, UF does not give any money for NM. So that rules out d) and e) options.</p>

<p>@tut4bb …well the wording changed on the Scholarship from “Scholar” to “Finalist”, so at least that happened. This of course would not preclude any NMF from going to a Florida school that does give a nominal ($500) scholarship to NMF’s. But it would look like U of Florida may not be an option at this juncture.</p>

<p>Removed comment</p>

<p>Following this Fl issue closely and now have 3 confirmations from parents whose finalist students did receive the award from uf. Their website still indicates that only scholars will receive it. My CG is clueless. UF is not giving me a direct answer.</p>

<p>@Cshecmia Thank you for the info! Please update us if you learn anything new! </p>

<p>Just got confirmation from UF that it is true.</p>

<p>I hate to mention this but UF cannot predict what the Florida Legislature will actually do in their next session and UF will award finalists for 2014-2015 but that may change or 2015-2016 and beyond so be prepared. We went on the UCF NMSF tour and UCF did say they will honor the total cost of attendance and all the other UCF perks even if the Florida Legislature changes the funding for the incentive scholarship.</p>