Prospective students-does your show Pre-Secondary Education? or choice of major

<p>A friend of mine who recently applied from NJ thought he applied for the microbiology major at the college of arts and sciences. But on his application when he logs in using his netid, it shows that his program of study is pre-secondary education. This may be the case for non admitted students, I do not know but he is very nervous that he might be admitted to the College of Education istead of Letters and Sciences. For all of you students who applied- does it show for you also or your major of choice? Thanks</p>

<p>I wanted "biology" in the school of agriculuture and life sciences. When I got it back, it said "natural sciences" at the school of ag. and life sciences. I don't know if it means the same thing or what. Also, I've heard most freshman follow the same general course plan until junior year, when they finally declare their major. So really I don't know if it matters a whole lot.</p>