<p>Do any of you know if the Provost or Pegasus Scholarships are available to an OOS high- stats student?</p>
<p>My d is currently a HS junior. Her are her current/projected stats:</p>
<p>ACT: 30 (E-35; M-32; R-29; S-24. Will retake several times. Her goal is 32-34.)
GPA: unweighted 4.0; weighted 4.7
Taken all honors courses; 3 APs this year; 3-4 next year.
She will have 6 math credits when she graduates, possibly 7 including Calc AB/BC and Stats AP.
NHS/BETA officer; Dance Team 3 years; Band 2 years; Community Theatre 5 years</p>
<p>We plan for her to apply for admissions early, i.e. pretty much as soon as application is posted. From what I've read, scholarships are offered a few weeks after you apply until funds run out, so I'm thinking the earlier you apply the better.</p>
<p>Anyone know what scholarships are offered OOS? </p>
<p>Many thanks!</p>
<p>I think your daughter has scored high enough to get the top out-of-state scholarship. Its called the Knights Achievement award and its $40,000 awarded over 4 years so its $10,000 per year. Thats the award I got lol. If they dont give her that, then they will most likely give her the Provost scholarship lol.</p>
<p>Congrats on your scholarship! That’s terrific!</p>
<p>I have a bunch of questions for you if you don’t mind…</p>
<p>-when did you apply?
-when were you notified of admissions acceptance? scholarship?
-did you apply for the burnett honors college???
-have you visited?
-what’s your major?</p>
<p>I’m planning to take my D for a visit in February during our Mardi Gras break, which coincides with President’s Day week…</p>
<p>Good luck to you!</p>
<p>BTW: I have a sister who lives in Lynchburg, VA. We’ve visited her several times and have visited Monticello. The weather and scenery are just beautiful there…, but what they considered summertime heat, we considered fall. (Seriously, we visited in June and her friends said sorry for the hot weather. There was no humidity, so it felt like a late Sept/early Oct day for us.) Are you ready to handle Florida heat and humidity???</p>
<p>One more question: What are your stats??</p>
<p>Pegusus and provost scholarships are for instate. Apply early if you want a scholarship and Burnett honors college, especially oos. It is very competive. My son got pegasus gold, 12,000 over 4 years and burnett but he applied in August and we are in state. Stats are 3.7 unweighted, 4.15 weighted. Your daughter’s gpa might be lower than you think because the florida schools recalculate using only academic courses and give .5 for honors and 1 point for ap. Thats why my son’s school has his weighted gpa at 4.7 but ucf 4.15. He had a 1920 sat and 31 act. 6 ap as of junior year and another 6 senior year. Cal a/b (5), Chem (5), bio (5), Physcis (4), macro (4), world his (3).</p>
<p>Apply early and interview at Burnett, I htink it is an advantage to gert your name in the system. My son is still waiting for UF, but Burnett is a great second choice.</p>
<p>Good luck</p>
<p>Thank You!!
My Stats Summary:
African American male from VA
Tons of Extracurricular/Volunteer work (Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track, Volunteering for races for charity, ect.)
Created an AAU basketball organization that is now one of the premier organizations in Virginia
3.9 uW GPA
28 ACT
2030 SAT
5 AP Classes
3 Honors/Pre-AP<br>
<p>I applied in early September but my school forgot to send my transcript until October 1st. I got accepted around October 20th. I got my scholarship notification on like November 20th or something around that time lol. And I didn’t apply for the Honors College. They sent me the application but I just havent applied yet lol. I’m not sure I am going to apply though…But I visited once so far! It ws that day that the football team played Marshall and it was pouring down raining yet I still loved the whole campus and everything!
But I’m going to visit again on January 21st. Hopefully it wont be raining this time lol. And I hope she likes it! I’m actually gunna be in New Orleans for MardiGras, most of my family is from there and my dad went to LSU for undergrad haha.
And lol I’m so ready for Florida weather! See Lynchburg is warmer than were I’m at, because I’m much closer to Washington DC/Maryland than Richmond. The winters here are freezing! I’m just ready to escape the cold haha.</p>
<p>But with an ACT of 30 as a Junior, I’m sure she’ll be perfectly fine and get a really nice scholarship too! :D</p>