psychology major at tulane

<p>any psych majors in Jr. or Sr. year? Am wondering how you find the program, help with the 4 + 1 path, interface with neuroscience classes, and whether intersting internships are available in NOLA. Any feedback appreciated, thanks</p>

<p>My friend is graduating this spring as a neuro major among fifty other things, but he’s not on the 4+1 path because he’s planning to go to a different grad school. There are plenty of research opportunities offered around campus and at the medical school. </p>

<p>I was thinking going neuro myself, but as my s/n implies, I’d like to go away from home for a bit…</p>

<p>[Tulane</a> University Neuroscience Program - Undergraduate: Description of Major](<a href=“]Tulane”></p>